SPN Chicago Con. Nope. Not reading anything. Grown women saying the most idiotic shit they can think of makes my ass twitch.
The total humiliation some of the unfortunate psychos in SPN fandom are going to cause themselves by verbally shitting pure, entitled, tin-fucking-hat crazy is going to be EPIC. For a SPN con to have special shit spew? Ponder that for a second. It's going to be a tsunami of asshattery. A Vesuvius of entitlement whoritude. AN ASTEROID THE SIZE OF PENNSYLVANIA OF FUCTARDINESS. This is going to be so fucking wanky, I won't be able to enjoy it. Dude.
No, I don't have any faith in some of the people attending being able to behave themselves. They've proven themselves unworthy of breathing our good oxygen every chance they get.
So, HELL NO. I'm not in the mood to make any more WTF face than I already do. Also, my greatest hope that a normally sane fangirl will go berserker and punch a gibbering asshole right in her big, flapping mouth never happens. Can't one of you at least spike the open bar with some damn Thorazine? Pass out Benadryl and say it's Tic Tacs? I don't fucking care, just help a bitch out already. My embarrassment squick. It radiates from my pancreas. That can't be healthy.
I know how to make it all better for those crushed by Jensen's cruel betrayal, though. Who says I ain't nice.
Dear idiot horde of rabid hyenas adoring fans,
A male prostitute will absolutely let you call him Jensen. He'll even wear a sweater vest and call you Jared. Did you read that? SWEATER VEST. OHHH, YEAH BABY. THAT SHIT IS CASHMERE, JARED. CASHMERE.
You pay your money for a con and expect the actors to be your dancing whores, so I really don't see a big difference in hiring the real thing. If you hire the prostitute? There's also a chance you might actually get laid. Now hitch up your strap-on and make that hired!Jensen your bitch.
Sincerely and because I care,
Mis - She Who Objectifies Danneel As Much As Jensen But Takes Her Meds - Unlike You.