But this is funny! No really.
Ok, I've had about the worst week ever in large part due to Psycho Sister being a giant fucking psycho. Now.
Last night I dreamt that I was walking down this sidewalk made out of cat litter. There were loads of cat poops all throughout the litter that you had to try to not step in. Like cat shit land mines.
I stepped in one, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not scrape the cat shit off of my foot. I kept telling everyone, "Help me get this cat shit off!!" but nobody was listening or even seemed to notice the shit. The more I tried to scrape it off, the more it just stayed and spread all over my foot.
My subconscious equated Psycho Sister with cat shit.
The End.
I'm going to go collapse into a heap and pretend I'm on the Moon now. Seriously, this week sucked more than I can begin to relate. I have no idea how any of you are doing, I haven't seen any of my shows and just damn. I'm hoping to catch up this weekend.