grrrrr argh

Jun 18, 2009 20:17

I had to leave work early because my blood sugar tanked.  I had to get my sister to come and pick me up for Pete's sake.  That's been happening way too much lately, which is why I scheduled blood work which I have not had since I got prescribed new meds in October.  I've been feeling pretty ass since last Friday, though, so I don't know.   I have a theory that involves coming off my chick hormone maintenance pills because they're not covered by my insurance and hello no money.
I refuse to type birth control because that isn't what I use it for, it's fucking medicinal, and the non-paying insurance company can go fuck themselves with something hard and sandpapery.  There.
Ohhh, extra fun trivia.  Lamictal causes a rise in estrogen.  Lamictal is a crazy person mood stabilizer.  THE MORE YOU KNOW.**

Totally unrelated, but I was watching NCIS re-runs after I got home.  WTF NCIS?  WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?  Am I the only person that feels that Ziva's character got royally screwed with this story arc?  I don't like this at all and they better fix this crap next season.

I actually did like Chris O'Donnell in the two-parter.  I loved his character and I loved him playing it.  Since I normally can't stand the pansy-asses he normally plays, I was pleasantly surprised.  Are we getting a spin-off show from this or not?  I really hope so, because I also liked the great big psychology dude.  If you saw it, you know what I mean.

I mostly just posted to bitch and make you all aware I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth or run off to become a Scientologist or something.  I'm not that crazy.

**Welbutrin causes a spike in testosterone.  The doc prescribed that to my sister who has PCOS.  BAD BAD BAD.

bitching, fangirl, pestelince, tv:ncis, meds

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