May 24, 2009 17:27
My idiot ass neighbor has his grill, which is shooting up flames several feet into the air, shoved right up next to the house under the eaves to keep it out of the rain. And there's NOBODY out there keeping an eye on it. Well, except me. But now I'm in here telling you guys.
I just tried to capture his insanity for posterity, but my camera batteries are dead. I NEED someone else to witness this madness.
I mean, a third degree burn when you're drunked up and trying to drag a burger out of the coals is one thing, but this guy is a fucking overachiever. He's gonna take the entire family and the house down with him. I can't believe I'm here to witness this fuckery first hand! We always see this shit on the news on summer holidays, but I'm actually SEEING it.