Doc appt.

Oct 18, 2006 20:23

I just got home from my allergist appointment.  I got a skin test for food allergies, and apparently have none.  That is not what I expected, since every time I eat, say, almonds, I get hives.  I saw the specific "poker" for almonds, though, and no reaction.  WTF?  Strawberries attack me sometimes, too.  ???

Anyway, I'm going back Friday morning to get "patch tested".  They apparently place several patches on your back and see what causes reactions.  These stay on about 72 hours, or that's what the check out girl said.  I guess they're more accurate and thorough?  They're hitting the nickel allergy (which is evident without testing) and also for various other chemicals and metals that I suppose could cause your flesh to fall off.

Had about four vials of blood drawn, too. (unfilthy still beats me by three)  After seeing the pics and describing the symptoms, the Doc wanted to check for several things, SYSTEMIC PROBLEMS being one of those things. **pokes txvoodoo** He said he doesn't think that's it, but he wants to rule it out to be safe.  Oh, yeah.  FINALLY, a doc that takes me a bit seriously.  That's info I want a yea or nay on, anyway.  (I just don't wanna pay for it.  This lab bill is gonna kick my ass and wear it for a hat.)

And on the **omgfacepalm** front, I forgot the disc with the pics I was going to take to the appt, so I linked the doc to my lj page via email while in his office.  **dies of embarrassment**  I really, REALLY hope he doesn't investigate this lj deal any further, because that one page is more than enough to prove my lack of couth and sanity.  Ungh-huh-huh...

I may take a nap now, since I kinda felt woozy and unfocused on the drive home.  Man, that was barely flesh wound blood loss.  Maybe I'm letting my inner hysterical hypochondriac take over.  It's a mystery.


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