Here's some more of the "M" music selections assigned by my Ronnie. *sigh* I know I can't surprise her, but just in case...
My Generation(Live) by Patti Smith - Yeah, yeah. I know. It just rocks so HARD, though. Everyone needs this.
Molly(Sixteen Candles) by Sponge -- So it appears this is the rockin' part of my list. This song isn't like RAWK!11OMG!!, but is a frikin' catchy little song that has been one of my favorites since the early 90's. You know, back when I was actually in the vacinity OF sixteen. Oh, fuck that. It's just a good song. I love the beginning when everything kicks at once. Listen and you'll know what I mean.
My Curse by The Afgan Whigs -- either you like these guys or you don't. I'm pretty sure there can be no in between. Female guest vocal on this song, and I'm too lazy to check it out at the moment.
Moonlight Mile by The Rolling Stones - Yeah, like I was gonna make a list withouth the Stones. Honestly? Don't like Midnight Rambler. Just don't. Soooo, you get this one.
Mama, You Been On My Mind by Bob Dylan - I'm not a Dylan fanatic, never have been. BUT, this song is good. As are many, many others, but this is one of my favorites.
Ok, enough music for tonight. I'm gonna do a spammy bitching post too, I think.