Dec 08, 2005 13:13
Okay so I know it has been a long assed while! BUT I've been busy! Lets see in May 2005 I drove my ass down to Tulsa Oklahoma to go check out Hanson playing at Mayfest and afterward they finally made me feel somewhat appreciated by letting me go to the VIP screening of the documentary Strong Enough to Break. It was really really cool! And for all you Zac lovers he does have his shirt off in one part! Which WAS followed by a bunch of screams. *rolls eyes* I just drooled in silence. But while in Tulsa I hitched a ride to the doc which I still think I owe Lisa gas money for.... lol But of all ppl I COULD have hooked up with for a ride I meet Candis and a bunch of other neat ppl like Lisa. Candis is from right around 30 min away from ME and Lisa is from MN but she decided to move farther away to the city of "angels". If you want angels look in the midwest biatch! lol j/k Anyways SO we totally rocked out along the way to this AMAZING band called The Kleptos and I proceeded to show them my Avril Lavigne tattoo. ;o) Okay so Tulsa was fun but I'm pretty sure I wanted to stay there the next day and watch Ike get drunk off his patoot and make an idiot of himself. (when doesn't he? Just Kidding Ike.. lol sorta) lol So fast forward to the summer which was pretty cool and pretty busy.
I took a trip with my dad to Knoxville Iowa to see some sprint car and midget car races. (If you don't know what they are ask me and I'll send you a picture because they are really really hard to describe) Well the final night not even half way through the show tornado sirens start to blare in the town 7 miles north. Well turns out a tornado had touched down and there were BIG assed storms ALL around. So they had all the crowd go under the grandstands because they were basically one giant lightning rod. So my dad and I were sitting and chilling with the drivers and heard that the onslaught of storms were gonna keep coming. So we decided (way wrongly) to slowly pack up our stuff and just drive to the next town and slowly start making our way home a night early. Rather than wait out the storm. Well turns out we drove right on into it. Now I don't know if y'all understand about storms in TORNADO FUCKING ALLEY but they don't mess around. It was the night that Iowa and that area had like some 30 or 40 tornados (funnel cloud touchdowns) in one night. Well we drove into it. And I'm pretty sure that we almost died. Som lightning struck the road RIGHT in front of us. And it took us an HOUR to drive 8 miles to the next town. There was horizontal rain and at one point a small animal was blown across the road ( I allude to the cow scene in twister) And in one blaze of lightning I"m pretty sure I saw the TORNADO off in the distance out my window. Well we finally got to the next town and figured well we'll pull in by this hotel and just drive around it. Turns out on the OTHER side there's a BIG fucking drop off. SO we had to BACK up all the way around the building in down POURING rain with a truck and 18ft travel trailer in tow. We managed to do it but Im pretty sure I got my shower for the day helping direct my dad. Well we drove a little more and found a hotel and stopped for the night. It's a damn good thing we did. Because there wre storms ALL AROUND us like a donut the rest of the night. Had we kept going we would have driven into yet another storm but was even BIGGER than the one we had already driven through.
Okay well then Ingram Hill decided to make a pit stop in July at Summerfest which was pretty cool cuz I was on their street team. And they had sent out an email saying to all Milwaukee Street Team members y'all get a meet & greet. I was totally stoked because these guys were pretty cool. WELL the DAY OF the concert like an hour beFORE the concert turns out they had to cancel. The reason? Supposedly they couldn't have any grip and grins at Summerfest which was a lie they just had to have one for 99 wmyx's ppl. Which by the way? Wouldn't play their music unless ppl like ME and called in and requested it. So that was kinda of a kick in the teeth huh? TOTALLY pulled a Hanson on that one. lol PS. They still owe me a grip and grin and they damn well know it. I intend to hold them to it.
Fast forward now to November because it's all been a blur in between then of the same shit just happening on different days. SO the 16th arrives the first night of Hanson in Chi town at the HOB (house of blues for those of you who don't know the abbrev.)( I didn't at one time so don't be ashamed) Anyways the concert had been bumped up to like 630 so we were going to leave early. Turns out our ride got there late. Which alright that was okay except for Chicago traffic. I don't know if you have been there but it's like BACKED UP EVERY DAY! lol Well Hanson the first night had 3 opening bands. 2 + the one that traveled w/ them Pat McGee Band. (they're cool and Pat's absolutely hot Candis he's our BFF!) lol ;o) Well Candis REALLY wanted to see Escape From Earth and I was nosy about them. She basically won them their spot that night so she rightfully wanted to see them. Well we got their like the LAST SONG of Pat McGee's(last opening band)set. WE JUST MADE IT. *phew* well we're hanging out at the HOB in the back by Merch because we've all seen hanson and plus there's this huge hallway which is alot more open and alot better to dance. PLUS Jess and Mack(J McCain) (siblings of Hanson) along w/ their friends Don and Jeremy (Francisco :op) run the stand. Well in the first 5 or 10 min of being at the HOB I feel somebody brush up against my ass and it felt purposefully done. I turn around and who is it???? None other than Josh McCain walking away. I totally got my ass felt by the young one! lol Not that I'm complaining totally. lol Sound like a perv I know. Well me and my friends proceeded to have fun and throw some back getting tipsy. lol We made complete fools of ourselves... well I did at least.. the first night. lol Well we met Mike along w/ the other guys from EFE... PS Mike is hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we talked w/ him. On the way home we all decided that we were all exTREMELY hungry and would stop at the oasis. Well I am pretty sure our driver drove RIGHT PAST it w/out even flinching. She also listened to showtunes and SCREAMED them the whole 2 hr drive back. Now I don't mind showtunes I actually like them just not in 2 hr intakes when I am tired. I guess do what ya gotta do to stay awake..... ;o) But damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay so the 2nd night Nov 17th was pretty cool too. Partially because it was Ike's Bday. BTW Tay totally smashed Ike w/ this like 2 x 3ft cake. He didn't just smash him w/ it though Tay like bathed Ike in it. ( I wonder yet if he has found any candles up his nose?) Zac proceeded to hose Ike down w/ some champagne... what a waste! lol j/k kinda. But it was cool too because they played Madeline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is right biatches! lol Okay so hanging out in the hotel lobby we saw AaRON and PENIS I mean Pete. Hanson's back up musicians. Pretty cool guys! AaRON signed my shirt along w/ Pat McGee... he totally signed my paper football.... lol Pete would have but he was too busy pimping it. lol Then Ike walked by a few times w/ Nikki his g/f n about 5 bodyguards. Somebody overcompensating? J/K Hanson fans are psycho You are laughing like you think I'm joking.... lol ;o) Okay and then Nov 19th they were up in Milwaukee FINALLY! ( my fingers are starting to hurt...) Well that was pretty cool too! I was up near the front most of the show. But psycho fans seem to think EVEN if they're in the BACK of the venue... if they RUSH the crowd of 500 ppl in front of them? it's gonna make a huge difference and Taylor's hand is gonna reach all the way back to them!!! Maybe he has some detachable hand we don't know about and that is why they keep pushing??? Somebody is trying to steal is detachable limb! That has to be it. Well I got tired of being elbowed in the face and back so I left the crowd and hung out upstairs by the merch tables. Bascom Hill was totally awesome and gave me a bunch of autographs. Then Pat McGee (paper football signer.. my sternum is still excited!) was upstairs so him and I chatted. I also chatted w/ Mack some more and we proceeded to dance like fools for awhile together and have real conversation. He's a nice kid! Anyways so eventually the concert ended and my friend Candis came upstairs and we found eachother again. We sat and talked w/ Pat McGee who I think was tipsy himself that night and proceeded to hug us like 5x upstairs IN the building. Then he left and we talked w/ Bascom Hill some more who gave us free shirts!!!! Mine's a little snuggly small though. Pretty sure my ARM fits in there. lol ANYWAYS we eventually started to walk outside n talked w/ one of Candis many friends at the Rave by the PM bus. Well Bascom Hill wandered back outside so we talked to them again. And after a little while who should find us outside again? Pat McGee... I'm still convinced he was stalking us... Well we talked w/ him for another 45 min or so and in which time he hugged us like 3 or 4 more times! lol We walked away feeling quite pleased. I still am and then around back we decided to mosy on over and watch fans take pics of Hanson's tour bus. That's right not them but the bus. lol But that's alright if I had had my camera maybe I would have to. You can't understand the psychoticness until you understand the impact hanson or their music have had on their fan's and their fan's lives. okay anyways well who should mosey on out of the bus but Taylor who made his way around the circle and signed autographs. He signed my free Bascom Hill shirt because well that's all that I had. Ike came out shortly after Tay but he missed my shirt. I think it's cuz I just didn't have it out far enough for him to see. That's alright.. there's always next time. They seem to live on tours now lol. Not that I'm totally complaining. But okay so then Thanksgiving came and my b/f and I celebrated our 3 yr. Didn't really do anything just wished eachother Happy Anniversary. lol We didn't have time to do anything. OH YEA Hanson also did a doc screening at Marquette! hahahahahahahahaa TOTALLY sat RIGHT in front of them! The only thing that sux is that I was one of the few that obeyed rules and didn't use my flash on my camera. Well my pictures BARELY turned out so now I Have to pray in the miracle that is Photoshop and hope I can fix it! That's what I get for being nice lol I just worried for Zac's safety I really didn't want him falling off the stage later that night. Apparently the flashes hurt Tay cuz he fell onTO the stage but he still slipped and fell. Poor guy!
Oh well okay well my fingers are extremely tired now so I'm stopping and that is all the important stuf fyou realy need to know! So stop complaining now cuz now you know pretty much what i've been doing that past year!