Jan 30, 2006 14:04
Today i left the apratment at the normal time i always leave, and so i go out and sit and wait for the buss the arrive to shuttle me to my stupid pregnant lady school. so i sit and i wait.....
and wait...............
and wait.....................
and wait....................
and wait. i end up waiting outside in the freakin cold for a half an hour and the bus never came. so i go home and I call Jon to tell him that the retarded bus driver never picked me up. I end up bawling because Im so tired and my ASS is frozen from sitting out there. And I have Jon call the stupid school and the Bus place and the bus driver claimed that she waited for me and that i never came out. BUT THERE NEVER WAS ANYONE WAITING FOR ME!!!! AND I LEFT AT THE SAME TIME I ALWAYS LEAVE!!!!! ARRRGH!!!!! So I have now decided to leave five minutes earlier than my usual time just to make sure the retrded white trash bus driver doesnt leave me again. It caused me great distress and made me very upset, and I want to throw something at her tomorrow. Oh well. <333Jessica