Bzoink's survey asks you to state your opinions on a list of complex, divisive issues. What's fun is that it forces you to keep your answers short.
What is your stand on..... Created by
spyndakitrose and taken 15572 times on
bzoink!Abortion?Rates went down under Clinton, rose again under Bush. Sex education and access to contraception are the only answers that work.Death Penalty?Always wrong, and not a noticeable deterrent to crime. If you believe God punishes sin, you can leave this one in His hands.Prostitution?Legalize it. As long as there's a class of women who are legal and social non-persons, all women live under the threat of being reassigned to that class.Alcohol?A universal human consolation that takes practice to get good at. Alcoholism is obviously an illness, and should be treated as such.Marijuana?Make it legal for people who need it, and keep up the PR campaign to brand it as a loser drug.Other drugs?Oppressing people who have sleep disorders, and scanting or denying them the chemotherapy they need, has zero effect on street-level stimulant abuse.Gay marriage?Ever notice that not one single straight couple has stepped forward to say their own marriage has been damaged by the existence of gay marriage?Illegal immigrants?If we don't want them, why do we keep hiring them? Oh, right -- they're cheaper that way.Smoking?Insanely stupid. Feels great. Don't ever start.Drunk driving?Very bad. We need to sort out and address the different behavior patterns that lead to it.Cloning?A big non-issue. Twins are genetically identical. Half of the plants in your local garden center are clones. Cloned people won't be any more interesting than the normal sort.Racism?America's oldest and most successful lunatic belief. It's too useful to have an instantly identifiable underclass.Premarital sex?Sex Ed makes the incidence go down. Anyone familiar with traditional UK ballads should already know that Just Say No doesn't work.Religion?God made gays, smart women, natural-born atheists, Iraqis, and plesiosaurs. Real Christians should stop second-guessing Him, and work on their faith, hope, and charity.The war in Iraq?Our folly and downfall and mortal sin. May those who can forgive us for the damage we do on the way to our own ruin.Bush?Holds us in contempt when he thinks of us at all. Only talks to us when he wants something. Will say anything he thinks will get him what he wants. Con man, coward, and bully.Downloading music?Whose, and how? It's a distribution channel, not the end of the world. The recording industry's screaming because they're too bone-lazy to deal with it constructively.The legal drinking age?No matter where we set the age limit, new drinkers are going to get into disastrous trouble. Teach kids to drink under supervision, in civilized circumstances.Porn?Has always existed, and always will. It's a weird and sleazy industry precisely because we try to suppress it.Suicide?For teenagers, a terrible idea. My moral certainty fails me in the face of a terminally ill patient in mindless screaming pain. If yours doesn't, try spending time with one.
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