I tend not to make New Year’s resolutions. They always get broken, so it’s often best not to make anything I want to accomplish a resolution if it is to have any hope of surviving. I do, however, have things that I mean to accomplish this year.
First and most important: I will (with
malsers42) finish the first dratted book and submit it for publishing. Likely many, many times. I will not become discouraged if it takes forever and a day to find someone to bite. I will not be insulted at suggested edits (not yours
malsers42), but will give them thought before tossing them in the trash and take appropriate action. I am mature enough to realize that nothing is perfect - especially trying to write and publish a book.
I will teach myself to play French horn again. This will mean removing the horn from the dusty hole where I’ve stored it and taking it to be repaired. It will mean practice and re-learning everything I knew way back when. I will not be as good as I was when I stopped playing, but with work I can get there. This will be my therapy. I foresee needing lots of therapy this year.
I will not - as tempting as it is - beat the snot out of Ryann, no matter how annoying she becomes. Everyone goes through puberty, she’s no exception. She can’t help that she’s being a mini-bitch. Someone will likely knock her on her ‘royal’ little ass before too much longer. I do hope I’m around to watch.
I will try not to take on more than I can handle, no matter how tempting it may be. I do not need to find myself in the position I found myself in several times last year: too much to do and no way to do it all. This means limiting and cutting back on activities. We are supposed to make mistakes to learn from them, I tend to make mistakes so that I can have big messes to clean up. This is not healthy.
I will start this very month preparing for a trip to Houston in July rather than waiting until March or April to start pulling things together. In the past I always waited until later and found myself rushed. I will give myself more time to prepare for trips and jaunts this year. I will make hotel reservations by the end of February and have all the tickets purchased by the end of March.
I will think - long and hard - before agreeing to sing anything with Ryann. While it is a great learning experience for the both of us and our voices do blend so prettily, it is hardly worth the drama I endured leading up to Christmas. I will not show her any music which I am remotely entertaining the thought of singing. She is a sneak and a music thief!
I will work hard at managing my irritation with Ryann. She is a child; I am supposed to be an adult. It does no good to harbor this childish resentment and nothing can come of stooping down to her level. It may be best to limit my Ryann-exposure.
I will make a choice between returning to dance and returning to dressage. A lot will be determined by researching costs and available lessons. I do need to add something to my routine that involves some level of physical activity. Dance might work out to an advantage here.
I will - through some miracle - get my house in order so that I am not constantly playing catch-up to keep up. There will be organization and an office. There will be shelves of things and not stacks. There will be mirrors and photographs hanging and not leaning against the walls. There will be a clean garage with cars parked within and not a cardboard box sanctuary. I will have order amid the chaos! I foresee that I shall fail spectacularly.