Oy, the past week was a trial on my nerves. What was I thankful for this past Thanksgiving? That the holiday was over!
Caution! Rambly review ahead!
I had worked til 5 on Monday so that we could leave half an hour early, which worked well. On the way home my mother's fiance called half a dozen times - which, quite frankly, annoyed the hell out of me. Traffic was already becoming horrid through downtown Little Rock and it took longer than expected to get home.
Upon arriving in Jacksonville I mentioned stopping by WalMart to pick up my allergy medicine. Mother had meltdown, but we went to WalMart anyway. Ran into the store, got Tavist, a package of batteries and had the clerk flirt with me. This was hilarious from my side of things.
Clerk: 'So, do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?'
Me: 'Why, yes I do. I'm heading to my brother's and have a 10 hour road trip ahead of me.'
Clerk: 'If you'd let me come with you I could cut it down to five.'
Me: *tries not to laugh*
Poor kid. Though I'd hate to be in the car with anyone who can get to Chattanooga from Little Rock in five hours. *shudders*
Went home, discovered there was nothing to eat for supper. Helped mother load her suitcases into her car, saw her off then went to grab a bite to eat - and rent Pride and Prejudice. Returned home, packed, tried to locate a small bag for soap and shampoo, failed, helped my grandmother stuff her and grandfather's clothes into a wardrobe bag. There was baking of muffins and cookies for my brother. There was also sleeping.
This was probably the most pleasant day.
Woke bright and early - well, maybe not so bright - Wednesday morning. Threw on jeans, pulled on top, piled suitcases in front hall. Then came leaving little paper bowls of cat kibble all over the house. And filling large bowls with water. And praying that the cat wouldn't destroy the house while we were gone.
Kim arrived with the van, and Ryann, right on time. This is something I'm not used to yet, normally my family is notorious for being late. Very late. I brought our luggage out and Kim packed the van. I situated the bags of snacks, pillows and other necessities in the front of the van.
My grandfather started to become anxious over turning the house alarm on. I took the house key away from him and took over locking the house up. He lost his walking cane twice and I located it. I resisted the temptation to super glue it to his hand.
At long last we were on our way - with a few stops for my grandparents to stretch their legs and my auntie to use the bathroom. Ryann and I took over the very back of the van and spread out. My grandmother learned how to buckle her seat belt. We discovered the DC outlet didn't work and had to endure Ryann's whining over not being able to watch movies. After an hour of this I gave her my laptop. She was able to watch one movie.
The ride was smooth until we arrived in Chattanooga. There, stuck trying to get up the ridgecut for 45 minutes, Ryann began saying she needed to use the bathroom. We weren't going anywhere. Ryann managed to hold it until we made it up the ridge.
Chattanooga wasn't our destination however, Dalton was. Another 45 minutes later, after leading my aunt through East Ridge and Brainerd, found us at my great-grandmother's house. Miss Cora looked very well, and promptly fell asleep when we arrived. We left and headed for the hotel, where my brother met us. There was Chick-fil-a and mint chocolate chip cookies. Then sleep.
Everyone got up, stumbled around taking showers and getting dressed, then proceeded downstairs for food. There were questionable looking egg and ham biscuits. There was also hot chocolate, yummy juice and danish. Then there was heading for Cora's to meet up with everyone coming to dinner. And puppies. Very cute puppies.
Angie, Halen, Linda, Ed and Cora filled one car. My grandparents, Kim, Ryann and I another. Then Jeremy and a bunch of people I didn't know in another. I was left to wonder at the number of people heading for my dad's house. My mother, Rebecca and Rodney met us there. Add Jon and my father and there was a houseful.
Dinner was yummy. To the delight of everyone my father can cook. I knew this, but there were skeptics in the family. *cough*Kim*cough* Ryann and Rebecca met and I now live in fear of the time the two are anywhere near one another. Not because they fight or argue or are even jealous of each other. No, the two are as thick as thieves. As Rebecca said, 'I like her. We could get into lots of mischief.'
After dinner Ryann and I were made to sing our duet. I suppose we did alright seeing we sung acapella, but what I wouldn't have given for accompaniment. Ryann hit a few sour notes and I found myself changing keys in an attempt to smooth it over. Family thought it was grand though, so I suppose that is all that matters.
Left Dad's and took grandparents back to Dalton. Dropped them off at the hotel, meet up with Jon and took Ryann to see Goblet of Fire. She enjoyed it. I tried not to laugh through it. Brother was disgruntled with it. Aunt was confused.
Went back to hotel and slept.
Friday came and with it an irritable Ryann. No idea what her problem was, but starting Friday morning and lasting... well, she's still behaving like a little bitch. She argued with everyone and about everything. It was disgusting and quite annoying. It still is.
We headed to Cora's once more, this time to say goodbye. Ryann acted snobby the entire time and was very rude to everyone. Then we left for Lafayette - and in Georgia that's pronounced 'la-fet'. There we visited with my grandfather's brother Ralph on Cooper Hill. Well, the new Cooper Hill. This is where my grandfather grew up and my mother and aunts played as little girls. It has changed quite a lot. Now there is a WalMart in what was a cow pasture. There is an AllState where the old Cooper house used to sit. The berry brambles are all grown up and only a few of the pecan and walnut trees are left. Used to be the Coopers owned all this property, now it's been sold so that one 84yo man can keep his small piece of land. I'm both intrigued and depressed with visiting Ralph.
Ryann of course acted like a brat. She refused to come out of the van, then acted very ugly towards Ralph and my grandfather. The girl is either very brave or very stupid. Leave it to say my grandfather straightened her out. This didn't last long though.
After Ralph's we headed for Lookout Valley. Oh thrill my heart. Back to the redneck infested pit where I went to high school. Arrived at the hotel with just enough time to change for my mother's wedding. Ryann put on another show by refusing to wear her glasses. This led to a 45 minute brat-fest. Ryann cried, Ryann screamed, I told her tough luck, Kim made a deal with her. Well, two deals. The first deal was that Ryann would wear her glasses but could take them off for pictures. Reasonable. Ryann continued to pitch her fit and Kim yielded to take your glasses off when we get to the church, leave them in the van, put them back on when we get back in the van. Me? I would have beat her little butt and she would have worn her glasses. End of story.
Wedding was ordinary. Thankfully short. We left after an hour or so. Ryann and Rebecca seemed to have a good time. Jon and I argued with Rodney again. This time over my brother's right to eat his lunch. Stupid man thinks Jon should come when he snaps his fingers and forget everything else. Expects me to do the same. I don't think we'll be getting along anytime soon.
Left the wedding and went back to the hotel. Changed clothes and piled into the van once more. This time my aunt and grandparents were bound to see my grandfather's sister, Leila. Ryann and I were headed for the mall. Jon joined us. There was Christmas shopping and Build-a-Bear. Jon got a headache, I spent money and Ryann gained a new stuffed animal. It was nice to shop in a proper mall.
After shopping we met up with grandparents and Kim at Ankar's for dinner. Ankar's is my favorite place to eat in Chattanooga. Many fond memories of old Mr. Ankar feeding me onion rings and baklava when I was small. We had yummy sandwiches, onion rings and fries. We sat around the table for about an hour chatting and playing odd little games. Ryann gave back massages for a quarter. She then bought many bouncing balls.
We said goodbye to Jon and then returned to the hotel. Ryann helped me pack, packed her things and then asked to go swimming. Indoor heated pool, so sure. We stayed until a large group of rowdy kids showed up. Then it was back to the room for movies and sleep.
Woke Saturday morning. Ryann was again in a mood. Pulled on clothes and went down for breakfast. Lots of rowdy kids so we retreated back upstairs with our food. Ate, loaded trolleys with luggage, packed van.
It was cold. Very cold. Broke out the blankets and hibernated under then. Stopped in Tennessee and Georgia so that grandmother could play lotto. Slept a good portion of the return trip. Woke up somewhere in Alabama. Maybe Tuscumbia. Explained who Helen Keller was to Ryann. So yes, Tuscumbia. Stopped a few times, ate lunch, stopped at Cracker Barrel and bought a cake pedestal. At long last arrived home.
Bella did not burn down the house. I'm very pleased to know that I can leave her alone for more than a day now. She's been under foot since we have been home, but that's expected. Too tired to eat Saturday night, fell asleep watching Clueless.
And that was my Thanksgiving holiday. Quite a trip. Glad to be home. Even glad to be back at work.
Hanging of the Greens last night, tornadoes all over the place, now there are cooler temperatures! Yay!
Must get busy on decorating and finishing Christmas shopping. And mailing Christmas cards. And actually going to the post office. :)