
Nov 03, 2005 16:20

...must run in my family. My grandmother is slightly crazy, although it is common belief in my family that she is only crazy because she's French. My father's side of the family is completely hopeless - but then, they're Irish. My brother is beyond any form of help and Ryann isn't far behind him. My mother has her moments, but with her mother being French... *shrugs* As comforting as it is to blame our ancestors for the gift of insanity I know that really it all comes down to the rather crazy choices I make. And I do tend to make some really crazy ones.

I received several interesting emails over the past 24 hours, most of them from locals who are asking if there is a line party in Little Rock for Goblet of Fire. I've stubbornly ignored anything to do with HP fandom since coming back from Salem (only because of time constraints and family stuff), but I decided the least I could do would be to point them in the right direction. Only I couldn't find any direction to send them. So what does Jenni decide to do? Call the theater, make arrangements, beg for help and plan a line party that she's not really sure she'll be able to go to. Why am I such a sucker for these things? And why do I have such a difficult time saying 'no'?

I can make excuses: 'I really wanted to do this all along', 'I like bringing people together', 'I'm going to see the movie at some point anyway, so why not with a bunch of HP fans?'

I can tell myself that this is insane: 'Nana has chemo that weekend', 'You really don't have the time', 'You are completely exhausted, you moron!'

I still answer with: 'Nana really isn't going to care and would probably be upset if she thought her illness was interfering with/being used as an excuse for anything', 'I can take the time to do things if I plan it out in advance- two weeks is *plenty* of time', 'I'm really not as tired as I feel, and no, that isn't the beginnings of a cold'.

*shakes head sadly*

Pathetic, I know.


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