May 24, 2010 17:08
Everyone has dirty fandom secrets or guilty pleasures or unpopular opinions. List five of yours.
1) I hate reading fanfics with character bashing...unless it is done in a very crack fic way. I really like Inuyasha though my favorite ship is SK and it's hard to find SK fics where Inuyasha isn't a complete douche-bag. I also prefer my characters to retain something of their personality from the manga/anime (Unless it's crack, again. Then just about anything can go.).
2) I hardly ever look for new stories to read any more. There's too much rubbish to run through and I have a long list of selected favorites that I've read dozens of times over when I'm in the mood to read something (and have the time to). Sometimes I hate this fact as I know there's bound to be some really awesome reads out there and I'll probably never find them.
3) I've wanted to write for other fandoms (and have), but haven't had the courage to post them...yet.
4) At night, when I can't sleep, I play the same made-up scene in my head using characters from different animes. Usually knocks me out right when I get to the good point. :)
5) Sometimes I count those friends I've made through fanfic as better ones than those I know in RL even though I've never met any of them in person.