Dec 16, 2004 09:07
Instead of writing this all out again, I'm just going to copy and paste this. I had already typed it up on my fitness messageboard. I am feeling much better about it today...but I had typed this last night as soon as I gotten home from the gym.
I'm not feeling so "SunshineKathie" right now. Feeling pretty blue.
Woke up feeling fat because I am so bloated, no big deal..guess PMS will be due soon. Then, I go to the gym and the same new trainer was bugging me again. He started a few months ago. As soon as I started training on my own, he approached me and said how the exercises I was doing wasn't benefiting where I needed it most and then he would literally point out each part of me that needs work. Well, that hurt but whatever. Continued brushing him off every time he 'volunteered' his 'advice.' He got the hint. The last few weeks, he's been pretty nice and just slightly advice, no thing. Well, he started back at it again tonight. Said how I have no back muscles and how my arms are the only thing not slimming down because I'm not doing the proper tricep exercises. Then he tells me how that little fat by your chest & arm pit needs work, my laterals and my chest. He continues to go on about how good it is I am slimming down but if I want to make it in competition I need to learn to start doing the right exercises. In other words, he basically is telling me I am wasting my time. Then, he says "so, you're done your workout" I replied "yes, im burnt" he pinches by biceps and informs me I am not done because they are soft, not hard and I should feel knots in them and then I am done. Well, I lifted til failure. I'm fatigued.I am so done! Now, he could be being nice and offering me this advice to help me or he could be using this 'advice' to try to get me to train with him (NO WAY IN HELL. Funny story, comp was brought up a few weeks ago. He says which one and I was telling him how I heard about Emerald Cup so maybe some day that one or another one. He goes on about how he trains women for comp and how i need the proper guidance, ect ect. I amuze him and just listen. Then he asks 'what's emerald cup' LMAO!! Dude, you train people for comp and you don't know what emerald cup is? I even said that to him..he just shut up and walked away. fyi- he does know i am doing e-consults with Karen and her back wtf!). I'm thinking it's #2.
Either way, it still bloody hurts!! You all know how much motivation and drive I have. I can and will conquer my goals but it's just the point that I somehow let this guy make me feel this way..this really, truelly sucks!!!!!
Guys, help - I'm blue
I'll post their responses under my post as replies