Finally, I get to watch this show now. I don't care that it's only gonna be 6 episodes, and that I haven't seen any of S1 yet; it's Eliza, dammit!
In other news, my brain has been a'whirling today, and this is what I've realized about myself as a writer...
I need advice on something:
Am I doing Faith in character for my RPGs? My muse rambles and cries alot; is that wrong? I know it's a ridiculous question to ask, but I'm so new to RPGing that I worry about my readers going "Wha?" when they read my stuff.
I didn't mean for her to turn out so over-emotional and sensitive, but she is that way when I write her. Could it be me projecting onto her or is this a common thing?
I'm just curious, because I want to be good at writing her. The snarkiness I have down to a T (winks at Lara), but all this emotional upheaval is nuts! I've been re-reading my work and comparing it to other games, and I'm worried. I feel like I might be missing something here. Anyone have any suggestions, or insight into Faith to help me understand why I see her like this? Well...I understand why I see her like this - that's not what I mean - what I mean is, does anyone else see her this way.
Yes, I'm paranoid, and I know I'm supposed to just enjoy gameing. But, like everything else in my life, I want to do it to the best of my ability; so naturally, I worry. lol!
I love Faith, but I don't want to portray her in a bad way; not negative, mind you, just not believable.
That...and I'm bored out of my mind at work. :)