To Do List

Jan 31, 2005 15:40

Today is my first day back from work since the Cold from Hell hit. I'm hoping things stay quiet here, so FG and I can have all kinds of snarky fun with DnL. My Faith is fuunn, when she's not so moody. lol

Things I need to do this week:
-Tag the hell outta FG, because I can. (Heh.)
-Catch up on the last 30(!)chapters of Secretary. (*hangs head in shame*)
-Read updates to fics I follow on (Yes, there are good stories on there. You just have to know where to look.)
-Finish Wes/Faith banner for crayonbreakygal.
-Upload new story to my site.
-Go through drawers in bathroom and kitchen to throw away junk.
-Pack good china for storage, and replace with
Microwave-safe/Dishwasher-safe dishes.

That should be enough for this week.

Everyone keeps telling me, "Calm down, you have plenty of time," but I don't really. I have to be out out by Feb. 28th. That's four Mondays from now. I still have to do the 'change of address' thing, cut off utilities, cancel the cable, transfer my phone number to the new apartment. Gah! I don't have to do that until, like, the week before and day of the move, right? My mom is driving me crazy, reminding me of all the things I have to do this month. I'm like, "Already, panicky here. Leave me alone. You're not helping."

Ahem...sorry, gotta go back to work now. Fuck, it's getting busy here.

I just want to RPG, dammit! lol
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