Goodbye 2010; hello 2011

Dec 31, 2010 18:13

As the clock winds down on 2010, I want to do a quick rundown of my favorite things of the year...

I got into several new shows including "Misfits", "The Vampire Diaries", "True Blood", "Being Human" just to name a few. I intend to add "Fringe" and many more in the coming year. I love discovering new tv programs!

I renewed my deep love for "Doctor Who" when Matt Smith and Karen Gillan took over the reigns. I discovered just how AWESOME Matt was after watching his previous work, then, I also realized that not only was he a great actor(my favorite Doctor to date), but he was also a charming, funny, adorable man in real life. As well as his amazing relationship with his "Kazza" (as he calls her) aka Karen his DW co-star. They are a definite one-two-punch duo, and I'm thankful to Stephen Moffat for introducing the world to these two talented people. Can't wait for series 6 in April! :)

Moving on to my personal life now...2010 has been very, very good to me. I won several awards from "Who's Who" for my work at the library. I have seven total, and they cover every inch of my bedroom wall. I was chosen to be the Library Chair for our committee on campus until 2012 -- that was a huge surprise! I also traded my 1994 Nissan Altima for a fire-engine red Ford Focus sporty coop which I love and adore with all my heart. Never thought I'd own such a cool car! I started dating again (no luck yet, but I'm optimistic), became happier within myself (less depression), hung out with friends from high school, etc.

So in conclusion, 2010 was a major turning point for me both on a professional and personal level. I'm looking forward to what 2011 brings!

To end the post, I compiled fandom ships I'm into right now. I just added text, the rest of the beautiful work is a credit to the wonderfully talented people on Tumblr.

Enjoy, and I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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