(no subject)

Mar 23, 2009 20:47

So, it's been a while since I last posted. TOO long. So much has happened since Christmas. Let's see. Here's a few of the bigger ones.

1. Matt and I celebrated our 1st anniversary.
2. Matt turned 23.
3. I turned 24. (Bleh I hate getting older).
4. We went to visit my grandparents in South Carolina (8+ hours in a car with an infant... now THAT was interesting). They got to meet Matt and Sariah for the first time.
5. Sariah started eating solid foods.
6. I learned that I have severe Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome.
7. Sariah began sleeping in her own bedroom.
8. Sariah started laughing, especially at things that her daddy does. (Hopefully I'll get a video posted)
9. Sariah can sit up on her own, although she hasn't learned to sit and look/reach without falling over.
10. Matt and I have begun looking at MAYBE buying our first house.

Doesn't sound like much, but it's been a busy last few months.

Here is a video of Sariah's first REAL laughter.

image Click to view


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