Mar 08, 2007 16:45
From the Independent:
The statistics are stark: everywhere you look in the developing world, women's rights are under threat, be it from sex trafficking, denial of education or job discrimination. Figures compiled by the British government, development agencies and human rights groups resemble a roll call of shame:
* Two-thirds of the world's 800 million illiterate adults are women as girls are not seen as worth the investment, or are busy collecting water or firewood or doing other domestic chores.
* Two million girls aged from five to 15 join the commercial sex market every year.
* Domestic violence kills and injures more people in the developing world than war, cancer or traffic accidents.
* Seventy per cent of the world's poorest people are women.
* Violence against women causes more deaths and disabilities among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents or war.
* Women produce half the world's food, but own less than two per cent of the land.
* Of the more than one billion people living in extreme poverty, 70 per cent are women.
* Almost a third of the world's women are homeless or live in inadequate housing.
* Half of all murdered women are killed by their current or former husbands or partners.
* Every minute a woman dies as a result of pregnancy complications.
* Women work two-thirds of the world's working hours, yet earn only a tenth of its income.
* One woman in three will be raped, beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime.
* 43 million girls are not able to go to school.
* Last year, one million HIV-positive women died of AIDS-related illnesses because they could not get the drugs they needed.
* Human Rights Watch, in reports on 15 countries including Afghanistan, Brazil, Morocco, Papua New Guinea, Togo and South Africa, has identified violence against schoolgirls, child domestic workers and those in conflict with the law as on the rise.
* Women across the developing world are the victims of systematic abuse.