Apr 02, 2009 09:32
Was not able to change the tire myself. I did get the spare out from under the car, which was an accomplishment in itself, but I couldn't get the lug nuts loosened. I gave up and have called AAA. They're on their way, but figured I'd update while I was waiting.
There was lots of April Fool's Day pranking going on at work yesterday, but luckily none on me. I'm not really much of a prankster, so I didn't pull any pranks on anyone either. It was fun watching everyone else get fooled, though.
The contest weekend was mostly fun. We didn't do well in our scores, so that wasn't good, but if I ignore that part it was a good weekend. I'm tired of singing with a sucky chorus. I'd hate any of my chorus friends to see this, but it's been true lately. It was manageable when I had a quartet to sing with that was better. When my quartet ended it made dealing with the chorus stuff harder. I'm trying to get a new quartet together but we are having problems finding rehearsal time right now with everyone's schedules as busy as they are. Between illness and travel, we haven't had a full four-part rehearsal in a few weeks and if we can't get one together this weekend it'll be another few weeks. Things will settle down eventually, though, and we'll be able to get into a routine. I think this quartet sounds better than my last one so if we can get going it'll help me deal with chorus issues.
Now I have the rest of this week and Monday and Tuesday of next week to wait and then on Wednesday we head for Orlando. I think the only Disney I'll get is going to Downtown Disney for dinner on Wednesday night, but that's better than nothing. We'll probably go to SeaWorld on Thursday and then the convention we are actually going down for starts on Friday. My whole family is going, for the first time and I'm excited about that. I've not had Easter with the whole family in years. We'll head back home after church on Sunday morning. Then all my big traveling will be over for a while. =o)
Wow, the weather is horrible. I bet the AAA guy will be glad my car is still in my garage. He won't have to get wet while changing my tire. There's been a lot of flooding going on due to all this rain we've been getting. When I came home from work on Tuesday, there was so much water it was like a river down my road. There were whitecaps! The dirt road is now all rutted and hard to drive on. I wish we could pave it, but the county won't pay for it and it's expensive. The neighbors who aren't family won't help, so no pavement.
Okay, I'm hopeful AAA will be here soon. Hope everyone has a better day than me.
EDIT: I feel a little better now. The AAA guy had trouble getting the lug nuts off with his pneumatic wrench thing (what is that thing called?) so there was no way I'd have been able to get them off, no matter how long I tried. Donut tire is on and I'm headed to work.