Takanori News Dump

Aug 07, 2011 20:12

First and foremost, there is a very good chance the Takanori is recording a New Single!!
He's been recording something and it appears it's more than one song, which means it's probably not a tribute song.
Earlier, he specified that what he was recording was not "something with crossdressing on the cover" [Under:Cover 2] and not something done by a "Four Person Band" [Abingdon Boy's School].
So, new single!
It should be noted that this vagueness is not new, it's what he does when he WANTS to share info, but isn't allowed to. For example, back when abs was recording Shounen (remember, shounen = young boy):

OHAYO!(σ´Д)σ ☆ 皆の衆!さぁて、今日もレコーディングです.. ちなみに今日は「革命家」の方じゃなくて、いい大人が全力で"大人げない演奏" をする方ね.. テンポ"190"!ぶっ飛ばす! http://moby.to/vwh6tf OHAYO!(σ´Д)σ ☆ Everyone! Alright, I'm recording again today.. what I'm doing today is not "revolutionary", it's some nice adults giving a "non-adult musical performance".. the tempo is "190"! Let's do this! http://moby.to/vwh6tf
1:03 PM Nov 4th, Japan Time, via Twittelator
{Also, 190 refers to Ikuo.}

I had WANTED to post this in a timely manner, so that people could actually send messages, but LJ was down for a week at the time. >_< (FYI, if you didn't know, LJ has a Twitter account, and they post updates about outages and stuff on it.)
His uncle passed away a few weeks ago. He was very upset, especially because he wasn't able to make it to the funeral. He did dedicate a 40 minuet MC to him during his next show, in large part because, when he decided to become a musician, that uncle was the most supportive of him.

On a better note, remember that air freshener commercial he was so obsessed with?
Well, as you may have seen, Miguel (the boy from the commercial) came to a concert and sang the song with him!
The recording of this was made into an actual Shoushu Riki Commercial.
You can watch said commercial, as well as some behind the scenes stuff, Here.

As we all know by now, Takanori has a new regular show, a live internet show, Nishikawa Takanori no Ienomi (Ienomi means "Drinking at Home", fyi). It airs every 2 weeks on Nico Nico Live, at 11pm to 12am, Monday night, Japan Time. (I know that's 10am - 11am Mon. Morning Eastern Time.) The next episode is Tomorrow (August 8th), with guest SEAMO. :/
Now, here's the important part, you need to have a Nico Nico account to watch AND if you don't have a premium account you will get booted off if there's too many views. Last time, that happened all of 5 minutes into the show. Premium accounts cost all of $7 a month and they accept PayPal.
Also, at the end of the show, you will see four boxes on the screen, number 1-4, that you can click on. They are asking you to rate the show. 1 - It was Good.
2 - It was kinda Good.
3 - I wasn't very Good.
4 - Not Good.
Last time, it was over 97% good. ^_^ It was also the most watched show.

As you may know, filming on Okusama wa 18 sai finished for good. Takanori has claimed that there will be naked scenes. (Annoyingly, this is not a good thing, as he has a tendency to not eat for a day of so prior to doing something like >_<. Because he thinks if he eats anything his stomach will "swell". -_-)
And, if you saw episode two, you may be amused by This.

Also, I'll have a proper post on this later, but, as he's said, his beloved Wi-san got sick and had to stay in an animal hospital for a while.
As you may have guessed, she's better now, and home with her daddy!

I've been thinking, and I'm wondering what everyone thinks about this.
I do like to keep everyone updated on what's going on with our beloved prince.
But, outages aside, running to the community and "Wi's sick!" [POST], "she's better now." [POST], "Possibility of new single!!" [POST], would just be obnoxious.
I was thinking quick, real-time updates are more suitable for Twitter (with more substantial follow ups here).
I'm not going to ask everyone to Follow me, as that would involve spamming you all with Pokemon and bitching about New Twitter.
So, if I were to create a second, Takanori Updates Twitter account, would anyone have interest in that?

And, finally.
Ahem. A few weeks ago some news(?) site felt the need to translate an article from a tabloid about him. >_<
It had pictures of him and model Nanao, the Doki Doki Girl that was also on Pakkun Tamago, standing on the street together. The article text claims that they were on a date and further quotes "anonymous sources" that claimed they've been dating for months and are living together in his "luxurious mansion".
The probability of any of this actually being true is not zero, but it's fairly low. However, several people have decided it's 100% true and are now spreading rumors about his new (22 year old) girlfriend. So, if you've heard any of that, this is where that came from.

Oh, and if you haven't seen yet, today's Shin Domoto Kyoudai is finally up on J-PopSuki. ^_^ AND it's freaking AWESOME!!

download/streaming: other, news: *all news items*, news: appearances (tv/radio/magazine), news: releases (singles), projects: shin domoto kyoudai, projects: drama (tv), news: other info, other: discussion, download/streaming: tv/interview, translations: twitter

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