Takanori's Adventures in Sanrio-Puroland

Dec 08, 2010 02:58

...aka Cute Overload, Nishikawa Takanori Edition!
So...Takanori spent a day at Sanrio Puroland. As anyone who watches his Twitter saw, he posted many pics. But there was also lots of funny conversations and some interesting info. And since I'm a clumsy idiot that needed something fun to do that would require absolutely no walking whatsoever...I decided to translate it all.
Note: This was all one day (and one timezone) so I didn't bother with the dates/times.

本日は『サンリオピューロランド20周年記念イベント』の記者会見です!何が巻き起こるやら... お楽しみに!((*´∀`))ウキャキャ
Today I have a press conference about the "Sanrio Puroland 20 Year Anniversary Event"! What's going to come of it... Look forward to it! ((*´∀`))ウキャキャ

でへへ♪(*´∀`*) RT @opera_yo か、かわいいデス!(〃∇〃) RT @TMR15: "KITTY"&"TURBO" http://moby.to/zsuxt9
Tee Hee ♪(*´∀`*) RT @opera_yo S...SO cute!(〃∇〃) RT @TMR15: "KITTY"&"TURBO" http://moby.to/zsuxt9
よ.. 嫁⁉ ∑(´□`;) RT @onsen_gaeru 綺麗な奥様ですね RT @TMR15: "KITTY"&"TURBO" http://moby.to/zsuxt9
W.. wife ∑(´□`;) RT @onsen_gaeru Such a lovely wife isn't she RT @TMR15: "KITTY"&"TURBO" http://moby.to/zsuxt9
{Note: A lot of people said this...}
な、なんか…おめでとう!! RT @TMR15: "KITTY"&"TURBO" http://moby.to/zsuxt9
kohsuke94: W...well then...Congratulations!! RT @TMR15: "KITTY"&"TURBO" http://moby.to/zsuxt9 @kohsuke94 だ.. だからぁ.. 嫁じゃないって.. (´Д`ι)アセアセ
Takanori: @kohsuke94 I.. I'm telling you.. she's not my wife.. (´Д`ι)*sweat* *sweat* @TMR15 なんだぁ、f^_^;) 幸せそうで、ちょっと安心したのに…。
kohsuke94: @TMR15 What, f^_^;) But you looked so happy, I was kinda relieved.... @kohsuke94 ほら、彼氏いるから.. ダニエルに悪いし.. つうか、彼氏いるって段階でまずやっぱ外しちゃうよねぇ.. って!何真剣に返してんだ!...(((;´ω`)
Takanori: @kohsuke94 Look, she has a boyfriend.. that's not nice to Daniel.. {...and this where I get lost D:}...(((;´ω`) @TMR15 俺、キティ&ダニエルに曲書いてるよ!(^-^)v その名も『恋しチャイナタウン』(^-^)/ どうだっ!
kohsuke94: @TMR15 I've written a song for Kitty & Daniel! (^-^)v The name is "Koishi Chinatown" (^-^)/ How's that! スゲーーーッ!Σ(゚∀゚*) RT @kohsuke94 @TMR15 俺、キティ&ダニエルに...
Takanori: Amazing! Σ(゚∀゚*) RT @kohsuke94 @TMR15 I've written... 知ってる人が沢山いて嬉しいなう。(#^.^#) RT @TMR15: スゲーーーッ!Σ(゚∀゚*) RT @kohsuke94 ...
kohsuke94: Right now, I'm really happy that so many people know it. (#^.^#) RT Amazing!...

"A miracle 2-shot of Sanrio first generation character 'The Strawberry King' and his acquaintance 'Ichigo-chan'!"

Well then, time to announce today's Starting Members! They are Kitty-chan, Kiki & Lala, Purin-chan, My Melody, and The Strawberry King and The Strawberry Prince! "The Strawberry Prince" is not a Sanrio character, it refers to Takanori. ^_~

@TMR15 すげぇ! 負けてねぇじゃん! むしろキティーとかより若ぇよ、妖精さん!
vixen0504: @TMR15 Incredible! You don't lose to them! Rather, you seem younger than Kitty, Fairy-san*! @vixen0504 いやいや、ウキまくりでしょ.. でも嬉しいッス!
@vixen0504 No no, UKI makuri desho {???}.. but I'm happy!
なんたる豪華メンバー!!素晴らしいっす(笑) RT @TMR15: では本日のスターティングメンバー発表します!キティちゃん、キキ&ララ、プリンちゃん、マイメロディー、そしていちごの王様といちごの王子様で御座います! http://moby.to/eyqzmk
mao_Sadie: What splendid members!! So wonderful (LOL) RT @TMR15: Well then, time to announce today's Starting Members! They are Kitty-chan, Kiki & Lala, Purin-chan, My Melody, and The Strawberry King and The Strawberry Prince! http://moby.to/eyqzmk @mao_Sadie やろ!めっちゃファンシーやでぇ♪
@mao_Sadie Oh, yeah! It was really fancy ♪
違和感ない所がさすがです(^Q^)。RT @TMR15: では本日のスターティングメンバー発表します!キティちゃん、キキ&ララ、プリンちゃん、マイメロディー、そしていちごの王様といちごの王子様で御座います! http://bit.ly/igBdJd
Ryuzou_Ishino: As expected, you're not at all out of place there (^Q^). RT @TMR15: Well then, time to announce today's Starting Members! They are Kitty-chan, Kiki & Lala, Purin-chan, My Melody, and The Strawberry King and The Strawberry Prince! http://bit.ly/igBdJd @Ryuzou_Ishino はい.. 僕も妖精さんの端くれとして精一杯頑張ります!♪( ´θ`)ノ
@Ryuzou_Ishino Yea.. I, as part fairy-san, will do my absolute best! ♪( ´θ`)ノ
@TMR15 サンリオピューロランド20周年記念ソング発表おめでとうございます(*^o^*)私もサンリオさんとはキティちゃん萌えキャラ化コラボでご一緒させて戴いているので、貴教さんがサンリオコラボと聞いて我が身の様に嬉しいです!!
aoi_nishimata:** @TMR15 Congratulations on the announcement of the Sanrio Puroland 20 Year Anniversary song (*^o^*) Because I was also lucky enough to be part of Sanrio's Kitty-chan Moe character creator collaboration, I'm very happy that Takanori-san is part of a Sanrio collaboration like I, myself, was!! {You'll see what she's talking about below.} @aoi_nishimata あら!そうなんスね!素敵サンリオ繋がり!♪( ´▽`)
@aoi_nishimata Oh! Is that so! Such a wonderful Sanrio connection! ♪( ´▽`)
@TMR15 キティちゃんに、その節はお世話になりましたと、お伝え下さい。m(_ _)m ダニエル君、今日はいらっしゃらない様なので…。
kohsuke94: @TMR15 Could you tell Kitty-chan for me, that she really helped me out that time. m(_ _)m Daniel-kun, doesn't seem to be there today....
@kohsuke94 『恋しチャイナタウン』歌ってくれてたんだ!これまたスゲーーーッ!
@kohsuke94 "Koishi Chinatown" was sung for me! This is really awesome! スゴイよね。つーかありがたい!(T_T) 俺マジあの曲好きなのよ。 RT @TMR15: @kohsuke94 『恋しチャイナタウン』歌ってくれてたんだ!これまたスゲーーーッ!
kohsuke94: Isn't it cool. Rather, I'd like to thank you! (T_T) I truly love that song. RT @TMR15: @kohsuke94 "Koishi Chinatown" was sung for me! This is really awesome!

{For reference, he also posted this to his Twitter:}
@TMR15 あら、ほんと。君が主催しとるイナズマロックフェスで、キティちゃん歌ってくれてんじゃん!(^-^)/ 『恋しチャイナタウン』スゲーーーー!!!!!
kohsuke94: @TMR15 Huh, really. At the Inazuma Rock Fes. you organized, Kitty-chan sang it for everyone!!(^-^)/ "Koishi Chinatown", Amazing!!!!!
{Quick note, around this point he also started having a discussion with Kiyoharu about Shounen*** It has nothing to do with Puroland, so I'm skipping it. Just figured I'd mention it, in case anyone saw them Tweeting to each other and wondered about it.} TMR_STAFF:
T.M.R.15周年デビュー記念日の2011年5月13日に、サンリオピューロランドにて<T.M.R.15th × Sanrio Puroland 20th コラボレーションイベント>開催決定!
It's been decided that on the day the 15 Year Anniversary of T.M.R.'s debut, May 13th, 2011, at Sanrio Puroland will be a "T.M.R.15th × Sanrio Puroland 20th collaboration Event"!
さらに、サンリオピューロランド20周年イメージソングが、T.M.R.による書き下ろし曲「Thousands Morning Refrain」に決定しました!! 詳細は随時T.M.R.オフィシャルHP http://www.tm-revolution.com/ にてご案内します!
Additionally, it's been decided that the Sanrio Puroland 20 Year Anniversary Image Song will be the song "Thousands Morning Refrain" commissioned from T.M.R.! ! Details can be viewed anytime on the T.M.R .Official Home Page http://www.tm-revolution.com
Wha...you! That is someone's house! (((;゚Д゚)))

だから.. そんなおねだりしても、ダメなもんはダーメ!早く出て来なさい!(; ̄Д ̄)
I'm telling you.. I don't care how much you beg, NO means NO! Hurry and get out of there! (; ̄Д ̄)
{Technically speaking, "onedari" translates to "pestering", but Kuro-fandom has trained me to translate it as " beg" ^_~.}

来年2011年5月13日のサンリオピューロランド20周年&T.M.Revolution15周年記念イベントに向けて、頑張りますので応援よろしくお願いします! KITTY&TABO&turbo
Heading to next year's May 13th, 2011 Sanrio Puroland 20 Year Anniversary & T.M.Revolution 15 Year Anniversary Event, we're working really hard so we're hoping for your support! KITTY & TABO & turbo
{Note: Puroland opened on December 7, 1990, so the 20 year Anniversary was actually this day.}

And this was also Retweeted by TMR_STAFF 西川貴教がキティと会見、ピューロランドで豪華コラボ http://natalie.mu/music/news/41707
natalie_mu: Nishikawa Takanori was interviewed along with Kitty, in a splendorous collaboration at Puroland http://natalie.mu/music/news/41707 {<--Has more pictures!}

* If anyone's new-er to the fandom, it's become less common (at least that I've seen), but he does refer to him self as a fairy sometimes.
** It's a long story, involving other Tweets (that I have saved and intend to translate), but basically a discussion on Twitter last month lead to Takanori discovering that artist Nishimata Aoi is a huge fan of his (her personal website is even called "Love Saver") and eventually this lead to them discovering each other on Twitter and following each other (she also mentions in her Twitter profile that she's been a TMR fan for 15 years!). So I'm sure she was thrilled to find something else they have in common. LOL
*** In case anyone isn't up-to-date on abs news, there is going to be a Kuroyume Tribute album (Fuck The Border Line) released next February. Abs will be featured on it, doing a cover of Shounen, (the song he an Kiyoharu sung together at Inazuma). The deadline for this is probably why his was pushing so hard to get his recording done, even hough he had other things he needs to do. It also most likely explains the mystery abs recording he dragged himself into the studio to do, as well as his odd "I was in the studio recording but I can't tell you what yet" English Tweet from a while back.
Also, I have to say...apparently the fact that Kitty-chan already has a boyfriend doesn't mean as much to TABO-kun as it does to Turbo...(My crack icon/keywords are suddenly...still crack, really, but apparently probable now. o.o)
And, uh...in that last pic......where did the baby come from and why is it there?!?! O.o

images: twitter, translations: twitter

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