
Sep 24, 2005 16:06

LJ Interests meme results

  1. acw colored regiments:
    It's a part of my wanting to understand how people from other times thought. I am interested in what my own ancestors would have done in the American Civil War--how they were motivated to fight for freedom and equality. What other things motivated them? How similar (and how different) are their thoughts, hopes and aspirations from my own?

  2. armoring:
    I've been fascinated by the construction of medieval armour for many years now. I guess that explains my interests in medieval history.

  3. exotic food:
    Taking the opportunity to enjoy the tastes, textures and smells of food I don't normally get to try is a very sensual experience.

  4. history:
    Do people from other time periods think similarly to the way we do? In what ways are their thoughts and dreams different from my own?

  5. medieval weapons:
    I collect replicas of medieval arms and armour from all over the world. I'm fascinated by them. Especially crusader-era armour.
  6. movies:
    Action adventures, romances, historical movies, romantic movies--I love 'em all!

  7. music:
    I have an eclectic musical taste.

    I like old Motown music, progressive jazz, old-time blues number, Southern Rock, Glam Rock and many variants of metal. I also enjoy classical music.

  8. society for creative anachronism:
    Been a paid member in the SCA since 1981. 'Nuff said.

  9. the knights templar:
    THE ultimate in crusaders.

  10. women:
    I love women--how they look, how they smell, how they laugh, how they move, how I feel when I'm around them. My personal weakness is redheads. Women are God's most perfect creation.

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