(no subject)

Nov 12, 2004 18:57

hey everyone im updating!

so to sum up recent events:
on sunday i went to see the NYC marathon. We went in Long Island City, the same spot we go to see the fireworks in July. It was not crowded at all! We were at a good spot, before it would cross the Queensboro bridge to Manhattan and we stayed there for 2 hours and then saw the end on tv. Maybe next year we'll go to the end at central park.

First quarter ended. I did like my best which was weird since you'd think high school would be harder, but then again its just starting so lets see how long i can hold these grades. My brothers been looking at colleges and they say that they look a lot more at your freshmen/sophormore year.

I was going to go to the play tonight but me and don andrew are gonna go tomorow. Good luck to sara and lauren! and nicole in crew, lol. I get 20 points on my quiz if i go so i have to.(i didnt do so good either) I didnt feel like going today because...

I got a coldsaw!!! actually 2 and they have just been sooooo ppainful. They should of been gone by now, i've had them for like a weeek but the more painful one is actually bigger! I put some numbness stuff on them but now my lips feel all flabbyish....

Winter track is starting: there are sooooo many people. So many that i think girls and boys are more split up and i wont see people like sarah, grace.....spring track will be much funner because all the lacrosee people wil be doing, well lacrosee, lol so we wont have them around and it'll be outside instead of the middle of winter.

Thursday is my field trip to Newsday! Journalists only suckers!!! that'll be fun, i miss the whole day. Everyone read my article on the Olympics? Expect the next newspaper by mid december. Im writing about these artists who in January are suppose to put up these yellow flags throughout central park, or something like that and another page all about christmas. Brittney's writing about Rockefeller Center (the tree) and the radio city musical and im writing about...

The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade which im going to, so ill report everything. I go every year but this year my dad said maybe we'll go to Macy's on...34th street(?) and see the end where all the good exciting stuff happens. Unlike last year we'll take the LIRR and unlike last year we'll actually go and not spend hours looking for parking space (sigh)....

Christmas is coming so im thinking about what i want. My moms been asking me alot. Even though i just got a digita camera last year, im really considering getting a real photograghy (film) camera. You all wont be able to see the pictures though, at least not online lol. that and alot o fmy favorite shows on dvd like will and grace for season 1....2...and 3!!!i cant believe 3 is out, its like the best season. Also asking for ER on dvd and Monk. and a few other dvd's. ooohhh the new trivial pursuit 90's edition!! i love Trivial pursuit!! (also llove scene it and theres a new tv edition for that)
thats it, oh and a thousand books!!! not that you would care/know them. If you all havent realized i like journalism/photography so thats why i want the books/camera-probably my major.

Wow that was really long, i didnt mean for that, sorry lol
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