my first (real) entry!

Sep 04, 2004 00:32

hey everyone, I'm finally starting this. I hope you all like my new layout. I'm not too good with the set up but the only thing I'm mad about is the repeating backround which seems hypnotyzing! Oh well...

I just realized its 1a.m. whick means it's Ali's birthday!!!!!!!

well since i havent written in awhile i'm gonna pretty much sum up my summer (since school'starting)

june 27: my mom's wedding at the meadowclub across from pj cinemas. the ceramony went really fast and the photographer had us take pictures for like an hour(and there's someone in almost every picture that ruins it!) and then the rest was fun.

june 29-july 3: went with my uncle jojo, uncle scott, my grandma and brothers (while my mom was on her honeymoon in Puerto Rico) to stay at my uncle scott's cousin, jim, in Buffalo. And since he was in real estate we got to see a lot of Buffalo. We saw lake Erie, went to the zoo, and some park concert...we then went to Niagara Falls! You don't get as wet at the maid of the mist as everyone thinks but in the new cave of the winds(which walks right under the falls) you get soaked! The last place we went was Toronto to see the CN tower(tallest structure in the world) right next to the blue jays dome stadium.In the elevator up it is sooo scary, flying up that fast at that height! it was crazy....when you get up there, theres a part of the foor that is just glass so that it feels like your walking on air! (also scary) after that we ate in china town and that was really it.

July 4: went to the Macy's fireworks. we always go to see it in Long Island City which is better since you see the city outline,especially the U.N. and the trump building which is closest on the east river. I think that was my third time there...

July: uh.....not much afterward hahah, i only went to smithspoint once in July, saw movies, took care of the damn kittens!!argh...(which , thank god are leaving in a week!)I went to one or maybe two mets games, i know a braves game was rained out. and i went upstate once for a few days too but i dont remember really what happened(my family owns land right next to the Catskill Creek in greene county)...oh and my mom wanted to spend the day in the city so we ate somewhere nearby my uncle's apartment in Union square but he wasn't home, and then we went to central park and found out you can go rowing boats in a lake! Then at the end of july, we went with my dad to the pocono 500 which was really really loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and theres 100,000 people there sitting on little bleachers. bleachers! that means no leaning back ever, and the track is so big we can only see half of it (we were on a turn so that was at least good) and then the trip home just to our hotel was like 4 hours! but through all that it was fun and we got to see some minor crashes.

August: saw Manchurian candidate and a few other movies...started running tuesdays at 7 for summer practices for xc with dwyer. not much till...

the 14th: went with my uncle scott to see spiderman in the imax theater in the city, whcih was a lot, well bigger (and louder!!) than my first time seeing it. I mean, you can even see this weird scar shaped like a fish hook on tobey maguire's face (what i stared at when i got bored of seeing the same movie twice) then we went walking in central park till we got to the met and went on the rooftop building and then my brother touched some artifact and the alarm went off! but noone came so we just left, (hehe)

the 15th: missed cc's moving away party:-( because i had to stay in queens for my grandmas birthday

then i think the 23rd, chelsea had another going away pary(thank god) so i got to see her:-)
the next day i ran at 8a.m. for xc practice and don andrew said he was having everyone over for a pool party, so i came late becuase i had to go school shopping and we just went in the pool, volleyball, and madhunt
that wensday we all went down port and don andrew, george, and tj bout hermit crabs (waste of $!)

then this week i went upstate again and went to the water park uthere, went in the creek when it got real hot, went tothe secret caverns (next to the more famous and i think better howe caverns). and today we were going to go to robert mose but it was closed becuase "there is no beach, park is closed" according to one officer so i guess it was really really high we went to smithspoint instead. and theni just watched along came polly which wasnt really funny...

and thats really it! along with endless days in my very cold pool and weekends in Queens. i doubt you allread that though but thats ok, ive been typing for like an hour so bye for now!

p.s. dou you like my backround?
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