1. Name: Liz
2. Nicknames: Lizard, Biz, Miss Liz, Lizzie McGuire, Darpa Chief, Bacon Lips (don't ask XD)
3. Age: 24
4. Three positive adjectives that describe you: Cheerful, friendly, creative.
5. Three negative adjectives that describe you: Lazy, shy, boring. :(
6. Interests/hobbies/talents: I'm into anime, manga, and some other miscellaneous cartoons. I collect rams/Aries related stuff. I can often be found playing videogames, reading, writing, and baking cupcakes.
7. Things you don't like/aren't as good at: I hate being cold. I hate when someone is mad at me, and I hate being mad at someone else. I suck at any sort of driving activity and I'm horrible with directions (giving or following). Also not good at managing my money.
8. Name one thing you love: Doggies. ♥
9. Name one thing you hate: SMOOTH JAZZ. :/
10. Character from TMNT (can be from any universe): Leonardo is definitely my favorite.
11. Scene from the comics/movies: The first City at War episode from the 2003 series. So many great scenes from that episode, the whole thing is my favorite. ^^
12. Quote from the comics/movies: Love Leo's "better than you" line from the new movie. I enjoy his occassional arrogance, though I like his other personality traits better.
Pick one~
14. Honor, Family, Power, Knowledge: Family!
15. Adventure, Imagination, Truth, Wealth: Adventure!
Multiple choice~
16. When dealing with a problem with a family member you are most likely to:
a. Ignore the problem
b. Make a joke
c. Lecture
d. Hit everything <-- I have a really bad temper sometimes.
17. Which of the following most appeals to you?
a. Video game <-- I'm usually playing one when I should be doing something else.
b. A workout video or punching bag
c. An hour of peace and relaxation
d. A good book
Are you more~
18. Playful or serious?: Playful, I think.
19. Determined or accepting?: Depends...but determined for the most part!
20. Focused or distracted?: Distracted, definitely.
21. Powerful or weak?: Weak.
22. Smart or creative?: Creative. I think I doodled my way through high school.
23. Nice or mean?: Nice.
24. Aggressive or passive?: Passive.
25. Hyper or laid back?: Laid back.
26. Is there anything else you'd like to include?:
I started writing TMNT fanfiction because Leo was SO neglected in the first cartoon. It was almost criminal.