Jan 11, 2006 19:38
Today I received two e-mails from my teachers (I have Carson for two classes). Carson I e-mailed last semester asking what books we would be reading. Not only did the fucker not get back to me until the week before the semester begins, which is too fucking late to get books from other people before they sold them, but he sent me the syllabus and outline for the class I'm taking, African Am. Lit. Somehow, even though it is not listed under required books, he slated a month to Toni Morrison's "Song of Solomon". Congratulations sir, you are an idiot and have made it virtually impossible for me to ever fully respect you since you can't get your act together, all of which before you even set foot in the door.
I don't know if it's fair to blame the second teacher, whose name escapes me at the moment. This blunder appears to be more accurately attributed to the publishers forthe advising books. I signed up for a class that met on MW 1-3, but now it meets Monday only from 1-5. I must explain that I work on Mondays nights @ 5, which now I have to change for Wednesday night, or, god help me, Saturday mornings. This class should have been forced into the printed slot, since I am sure I am not the only one who has to alter their schedule for the sake of whom? The teacher? Logically, the obligations of the students outweigh those of the teacher's.