Well this years theme was "A More Excelent Way" and well i must say EFY was awsome and well here is what went down at EFY.
Monday: well we left at 4:00 am and drove for like 6 hours. when we
arrived we had to check in and well they didnt have the shirts or the
journals because they had some problem with the shipping. so after the
check in i went and took my stuff up to my dorm and then helped Marlee
and Kimberly move their stuff in their rooms. i then went and unpacked
met my roomate (who did not want to be their at all!) Then i met my
group and honestly i think they were the most unenthusiastic group at
efy. After meeting my group we went to orientation and they presented
it as napoleon dynomite it was great. Then after dinner we met up with
our groups and walked to a field. It is pooring rain lightning
everywhere and they hand every youth (approxamately 400 youth)
sparklers and lined us up in the shape of a 4 (because it was the
fourth of july.) and we lit them all in like 30 sec. it was crazy. Then
we went to our dorm and had devotionals then to bed.
Tuesday: Woke up at 6:30am ate breakfast then had morning devotional.
Then we went and had scripure study. then we had a morning side and met
our session director Brother Low and his wife and son. They were by far
the best session director i have every had. Then to Classes after those
we had lunch then two more classes. free time where i hung out with
buddies.Dinner then we went to the dance. Devotional and then bed
Wednesday: woke up ate breakfast. Scripture study. Morning side with
bro low. the classes lunch and more classes. Freetime then we had a
game night this is when i started having fun. we then went back to our
dorms had devotional and then pizza.
Thursday (this is always my favorite day): wake up get in sunday dress.
Breakfast scripure study then the guys had a class and the girls had a
class then we had lunch. then the variety show.then free time dinner.
then we had a fire side. After the fireside we had testimony meeting.
then back to the dorms for devotional and bed.
Friday: Breakfast, Scripture study morningside watched a video on our
service project. then we had our service project. then lunch. after
lunch we changed into sunday dress and went to the musical program and
then went to the banquet then goodbye to EFY.
if anything is missing or out of order forgive me i am writing this by memory.
the guys in my group can you say bow chicka wowow
me and the two friends i met this year Brooke and Alex
me and the people from my stake i was the only guy can you say pimp? no? me either
Marlee and i.