oh boy here we go again!

Feb 10, 2005 21:37

well hello you lovely people out their in... computer land? well a lot has happend in these few days...

yesterday i woke up went to seminary then off to school had a normal schoolday for the most part nothing too exciting to report about that. then to work at work i was doing my usual fileing stuff and then sis. moss trained me to do some copying (dont kill me courtney just doing what the boss says...) then work ended. Now i know this will sound very weird but i was very glad that i had to write an essay and had 6 worksheets for math due the next day. why? because it got me out of working on those STUPID KAYAKS! so i went home and did my homework and went to bed.

Today well for starters yesterday i had some BBQ for dinner and i only had one waterbottle of water to eat/drink for 25 hrs. I was fasting because tonight i got my partiartical blessing. But we will get to that part later... I woke up got dressed combed my hair grabbed my backpack and a 12 oz waterbottle. went to seminary watched a John Bytheway movie and drank my water threw away my water and then off to prison (aka school.) Today in my sociology class we had to bring in some peice of art (picture, song, poem, etc.) that represents society/culture so i brought in my fav pic. It is called "Greater Love" it is a drawing of Jesus's hand with the scar from the nails and he is doing signlanguage for "love." Beat "Mario" on my calulator in physics (you can tell i pay attention) in english we are starting a book called "The Heart of Darkness" Talked in drawing class about religion. then afterschool i went to work did some copying for four hours. then i went to get my partriarticle blessing and well in a few words that was VERY INTERESTING. now i am home

so that was my day.
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