Oct 21, 2006 13:05
AKA: Tara is a grouch.
Little girl: Can I have a banana??
Tara: No. Those are my bananas. If you want a banana, you need to have your parents buy you one.
Little girl takes paperclips.
Tara: Are you taking my paperclips?
[no response]
Tara: Did you ask if you could have a paperclip?
Little girl: shakes head
Tara: [takes paperclips away] If you take something without asking, that's stealing. Didn't your mother teach you to ask, instead of just taking things?
Dear parents and children, I do not walk into your house to use the bathroom, get a drink of water, steal pop from your fridge, go through your personal papers, ask how much you make an hour and then beg for food. Please keep your children out of the fucking office. This is not a day care center or a food bank.