Supply and Demand

Mar 02, 2009 19:37

Are you coming back from Iraq? Do you want to buy a house outright with just a portion of your savings and only be in a slightly more dangerous palce than where you were deployed? If you said yes, you are in luck. The median price of a house in Detroit is $7,500.00. That's right, $7,500.00.

The article compares Detroit to my hometown, yet Detroit is even older than New Orleans. At this kind of low, Detroit may be a great investment if you can make a private militia a group funded co-op. The US Army can use it for an urban combat center, and the really blighted property is cheap, too.

On the other hand, this may be the time to buy. Detroit's population has been cut in half over the last 40 years, so there is plenty of space if enough people have hope and are willing to work at it. Until that time, I'll just continue to make cheap shots, because this deflect bad press from New Orleans :p

poor poor detroit, silly

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