Правило 32 Общей инструкции (Rule 32 of Common Regulations)

Jan 14, 2012 23:08

старая редакция:
Rule 32 (3)
[Number of Copies for Offices of Contracting Parties]
(a) The International Bureau shall send to the Office of each Contracting Party copies of the Gazette. Each Office shall be entitled, free of charge, to two copies and, where during a given calendar year the number of designations recorded with respect to the Contracting Party concerned has exceeded 2,000, in the following year one additional copy and further additional copies for every 1,000 designations in excess of 2,000. Each Contracting Party may purchase every year, at half of the subscription price, the same number of copies as that to which it is entitled free of charge.
(b) If the Gazette is available in more than one form, each Office may choose the form in which it wishes to receive any copy to which it is entitled.

новая редакция:
Rule 32 (3)
The Gazette shall be published on the website of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Таким образом, ВОИС прекращает выпуск бумажной версии WIPO Gazette.
Подробная информация на сайте ВОИС: http://www.wipo.int/edocs/madrdocs/en/2012/madrid_2012_01.pdf

Мадридская система, ВОИС, law

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