Heeeyyyy, look who's still alive! I've been taking pictures (though less and less over time), but haven't been able to motivate enough to post them. Then
codobo gave me the idea to just post a bunch at once, so here is November, 2013! I'm putting all but one behind a cut, for those few people that are still actually using LJ.
Behold! Yarn!
loopylape and I went to the Interweave Knit Lab in San Mateo Nov. 1. It was small-ish, but we got some very pretty yarns. And a shawl pin for my mom. And a bag. The latter two were only me. She got some very pretty yarns, too, though.
November 5. I was puttering around in the city, like you do. (Actually, I had a meeting.) These buildings struck me as interesting:
I especially like the colors and patterning in the windows of the one in the center of the photo.
Then there's the obligatory picture of the building with furniture on its outside:
November 9. If this doesn't exemplify sloth, I don't know what does.
Later that day, we went to P and PsA's house. Pixie decided the back of the couch was the best place to sleep.
At least initially.
(She stayed there. We had to dig her out to get her to move.)
November 13. This is a pretty lousy picture, but I'm not sure what can really be done. Well, at this point, nothing. But even at the time.
codobo and I went to the Taste of the Bay, a fundraiser for the Hospitality department. It was big, and really, really full.
November 16. Check it out, I can take pictures when I'm not even driving!
tanglegirl, M, and I went to lunch at Kinders, then drove back through the newly opened 4th bore of the Caldecott Tunnel.
See, told you...
November 18. We had a meeting at a coauthor's house in Sausalito. Not knowing how long traffic would take (it could be hella long), I got there early. So I went to Starbucks (don't judge) and walked around a little.
The city in the background:
November 24. It's taken him/them a while to take advantage of their "new" bed. But it's popular now!
November 26. I managed to get my hands on a kit that had originally been sold out, so I'm pleased. Preettty colors.
Also, Thanksgiving is coming. Behold, drying bread.
November 28. Happy Thanksgiving! I once again forgot to take a picture before we all dug in.