Project 365, 3rd ed.: November 19, 2010

Nov 21, 2010 20:03

Today, in reverse chronological order: I took PsA to the airport for a redeye trip to VA for her grandfather's funeral. :( Before that, we went to see the new Harry Potter movie with loopylape, where the latter and I discovered that we have, once again, managed to buy the same thing. Except this time it was a year apart and without any consultation at all: we have the exact same purse. Really, we should just move in together and save everyone a ton of money buying identical things.

Before that, I went to see my gynocologist. I gave her a cowl I made to thank her for being there for me during this whole headache nightmare. (And yes, the headache is still here. It's gotten much better overall, though there are still bad days along with the good ones. They don't tend to be as bad as the bad days used to be, though.) See picture below. She was thrilled to get it, and very touched.

Aaaaand before that, I went to the acupuncturist, who managed again to make the headache virtually disappear while I was there. It came back later, of course.

This cowl was designed by my friend Christina.

She's also the one who designed the three shawls I was test-knitting a while ago, with Kristine's yarns. Since the patterns have been released, here are pictures of each of them. The modeled pictures were taken by Kristine.

acupuncture, fo, headache, lace, knitting, doctor

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