Much like the warnings pictured up above, these rules for TMI should be just as obvious. However, to avoid a McDonald's style BUT YOU DIDN'T SAY IT lawsuit, they are listed as follows:
1. No wank/drama, there will be repercussion. If the mods find that drama is being caused on purpose there will also be punishment. Namecalling? Bad. Fighting? Bad? Breaking rule 2 to cause wank drama? You get the idea. The point is, don't start anything, the mods will be only too happy to finish it for you.
2. Don't throw your red socks into the whites--I mean--don't let OOC bleed into IC and vice versa. Just because Character A said something mean to Your Character, it doesn't mean the MUN hates you. Likewise, using Your Character to lash out hate at Another Character just because you and the other MUN aren't getting along is just plain rude and childish. Nor does it mean when MUN mentions their character's secret that Your Character will automatically know.
3. No godmodding. Always ask the player before doing anything. Even backing a character to where they can only react one way, that is still godmodding, e.g. "Character A threw Character B against a wall." We know this is an action based game, but please talk to the other player first.
4. While on the subject, no killing anyone (character/NPC/shrubbery) without permission of the mods and player. Yes, you need both. It's just common courtesy before fragging.
5. Not Safe For Work? Put it under an lj-cut and add a rating, please. Any not safe for work should be labeled as such. We hope you will use common sense when it comes to what is and isn't worksafe. Don't make us yoink out the Clue By Four.
6. In the great world wide web, spelling and grammar tend to take a backseat. When it comes to the
X-kicks, this is more accepted. Let's face it, they're 16 and up and are L337 D0OD35. Just remember basic knowledge of grammar is required for threads/logs/phonecalls/etc.
Questions? Comments? Plot ideas? The mods would love to hear it! Poke us online or through the email: Sure we bite, but it's all in the name of love. Or at least good RP.