Yesterday was a bright and sunny day. I persuaded Robbie to get out of bed and go for a drive down to Port Burrell in order to take a look at the newly installed submarine, the Canadian warship, Ojibwa. It's a big monster, especially sitting on the ground out of its native element. I look forward to getting inside it and perhaps operating the amateur radio station that is supposed to be set up in at some point.
We proceeded to drive along the shore of Lake Erie to the east, stopped and took pictures of the erosion taking place on the shore, and eventually made our way to Simcoe where we had supper. We stopped at a place called the Blue Elephant. I am happy to report that it was an excellent meal. Robbie had fish and chips; I had salmon in teriyaki sauce and sesame seeds with garlic mashed potatoes. Amazing! For dessert I had bread pudding, which was breaking the rules, but it was so good, I could not help myself!
Driving home from this little excursion, I felt ecstatic, satisfied, fulfilled, and very content with my lot in life. It was a very good time!
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