Christmas Day 2012

Dec 31, 2012 12:54

I'm seated by myself in the living room listening to lovely Christmas music on my old a.m. radios. The house is all done up as much is going to be this year - we were a little more restrained than we have been in the past. Mom and Pop Perchard are upstairs getting ready for the arrival of the rest of the family. Robbie is still off working! He was supposed to have today off, but it seems it's very difficult for him to get time off. Either he's too softhearted, or they really, really need him. I don't know which. Nevertheless, it's unfortunate that he has to be away while his parents are here and we should all be enjoying our time together.

Robbie's two sisters will be arriving with their families sometime this afternoon. At that point, my peace and tranquility goes out the window. But it's been nice this morning to be able to relax a little sitting next to the fire, listening to this great music, and munching on peanuts and such.

Actually I've been quite busy, working up a sweat moving chairs up and down stairs, Setting the table, getting gifts finalized, and setting out the munchies. Robbie did a good job with his mother last night trimming the tree and hanging up decorations.

Speaking of last night, I had a couple of scotches with Robbie's dad, and that put me practically under the table! I retired early, which was not very sociable, but I sensed a cold coming on and felt like I needed some sleep.

Merry Christmas, all!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

am radios, christmas, via ljapp, in-laws

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