Inaugural Post

Jun 01, 2008 11:51

Welcome (back) to all students! This is Acting Headmistress Jean Grey posting to let you know that as you can see: the school bulletin board is back online. We had a bit of a database problem that took the boards down for a while, but after some hard work and computer magic, we're back online and hopefully much more stable.

Before I let you all loose on the board, I just wanted to remind you to use proper "netiquette" when posting. Please don't use profanity or hateful slang on the boards and keep in mind that the teachers can - and do - read what you write here.

Also: your Student Handbook says that the most up to date copy of the Code of Conduct can be found here on the board. Unfortunately, the Code was one of the things that was lost in the database crash, and we're taking the opportunity to revise and update them. In the mean time, even though the rules aren't posted right now, let's not take advantage of that fact! Basic rules of human etiquette should be observed: don't cause harm to each other or to school property and please exercise caution when using your mutations. We're lax on curfew during summer session, but not on students who wander where they shouldn't. If a door is locked, assume it is locked for a reason and leave it at that.

With that in mind, let's have a fun and safe summer. Keep checking the boards for important updates as well as news about activities and field trips - happening soon.

Jean Grey
Acting Headmistress

PS - As always, make sure you have your X-Kick with you at all times in case of emergency.


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