So, quite a few this time, I think. Apparently my stock icons are..not comment getting. I didn't make any this time, but believe me they will be back. I love making them. This round I have.....
Mary Kate And Ashley
Hilary Duff
Wedding dress models
Adriana Lima
Victoria Secret Runway
Beauty and The Beast
101 Dalmations
Britney Spears
Aly and AJ
And a bunch of those little plain icons with the flowers that everyone loved when it was a "no icon" icon.
And two little headers. They are the same, basically. Majorly inspired by prettyprototypes work over at
hollywoodparty Also, there was a little drama at wd_awards, and I'd like to halfway explain that here. I nominated some of my favorite icons of Maria's, and she had nominated some of mine, and the mod got mad because he/she felt we were breaking unwritten rules. That we couldn't possibly like eachother's icons because we actually liked them. We only nominated them because we were friends. Only because we were friends. And well, it escalated into something in their head and she posted a new post about it and everyone said "OH! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" one person actually suggested we weren't even two people. Just one, going through MAJOR trouble for a freaking awards community. Anyway, Noone voted for us, or she threw out the votes or something. And neither of us won, and the bashing kindof, well, was bashy, and we ended up leaving. I just wanted to say thankyou to the people that nominated us, and it's not ANYTHING against you guys. We love you. The community, well, not so much. We'll both continue to make disney icons, we love disney too.
And 200 watchers! Yay! ♥ to you. ♥ ♥ ♥!