The Cobra

Jun 17, 2019 22:36

Yesterday I was so completely tired that I even forgot to post (and almost to choose) the card of the week! It was almost midnight when I realized it was Sunday and it was the day to foresee the energy for the week!

Last week was good - busy, but good. I really think that The Fish  helped me with its advice. I needed to keep focused and set small goals, otherwise I would've gotten overwhelmed. A couple of goals that were successfully achieved: have a heart to heart with my boss about a few issues at work, finish taking my Introduction to Crystal Healing classes.

For this week though, I got The Cobra!

the cobra - animal spirit guide deck

On an unrelated (but kinda related matter) you can see a bit of my zen cave in the picture! My growing crystal collection on my altar! It isn't finished yet, that's why there isn't a full picture, but as soon as it's done, it will be here! And also, I don't know if I like this pic better or just the picture of the card... What do you think?

Now, back to the card itself.  The Cobra is about pausing, waiting, the inner teacher. It represents a teacher or spiritual guardian, always looking over us and protecting us. It's essence is deep within us, in the form of the inner-teacher and can be manifested externally in guides that lead us in our journey. When in balance it's a student of life, humble and wise. When out of balance, know-it-all and egocentric. To bring into balance, take classes and study.

This makes me think in a few possibilities. There is someone with whom I've been exchanging emails about our personal spiritual journeys and this has been helping me to learn a lot (but also, I had to struggle a bit with patronizing tone in the last email... or was it just my interpretation?). Also, there is all the studying that I have been doing lately, and I have to be honest, it's been making me feel extremely happy and fulfilled. And for this week, I have the Chakra Healing with Crystals classes to take and I'm super excited about it!

So yeah... I think I can see where the student and the inner-teacher will play their roles and how the Cobra will be present! But we never know how tomorrow will play, and that's what's so amazing! 

tarot, selfdiscovery, card of the week, journey, meditation, zen cave

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