Title: Silence is golden
Verse: TM, Hellboy (The Golden Army in this case).
Characters/pairing: The queen, Glitch, DG, princess Nuala.
Summary: Glitch may have a thing about people with very fair hair, whether he realizes it or not.
Rating: G (PG if kicking people is bad, mkay?)
Wordcount: 500.
Disclaimer: Based on characters and situations
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Thank you for posting here.. :) Yay crossover!
I also like the whole Glitch pouting and then the revelation that Nuada probably enjoyed sparring and thought well of Ambrose's ability :) I like the idea of this crossover.
Well, in two days I kind of got swamped by about six crossover worlds or potentials for Tin Man as said above, so... yeah, crossover. ;P
That's fun to hear. Especially the bit about the liking this crossover. Amedia completely topped my meagre efforts in demilos_wagon with something further or more beautiful going into this.
If only I had time to write even one. There's also the natural competitiveness to consider in should I save what I think is the funniest for future challenge rounds or what. ;P
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