Rules: How to Post Entries

Dec 15, 2009 12:06

Posting fic/drabbles

Step One - Title
*Please use the " Information on How to Rec/Post Fic" post for ficlets, drabbles and stories.

Step Two - Tagging
* Make sure to tag your entry with the challenge tag provided in the Crossover challenge post..

Step Three - Preview and Submit * Before submitting your ficlet, story or drabble, be sure to click the Preview buttion. This will show you what your ficlet is going to look like. Be sure to double-check all of your formatting and do one final proof-reading before you click the Submit button. If you make any changes before submitting, you can click the Preview button again to make sure that your changes are correct.

Posting graphics:

Step One - Hosting
*Before posting your images, you need to upload them to the internet somewhere. There are several ways to do this. If you are a Paid or Plus member, you can use the LiveJournal Scrapbook. There are also a number of image hosts on the internet that offer free hosting. The two most commonly used are Photobucket and Tiny Pic. Any of these three hosts are acceptable at tmcrossovers.

Step Two - Filling out the Entry
*Find the URL of your hosted image. This will be different for each host. Check your host's faq or support pages if you need help finding your URLs.
*There will be a text box on each icontest post that has the template for submitting your icons. You will need to use the image source tags to display the icons as well providing the URLs to each of your icons.

Step Three - Preview and Post

This is all borrowed from tm_challenge  .

fiction, graphics, rules

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