Rec: A to Z (and a bonus)

Jul 26, 2009 17:58

Story: A to Z
Author: diabolicalfiend
'Verse: Due South
Rating: G
Author's summary: DG and Azkadellia have gone missing. But can Cain look past Ray Kowalski's looking like Zero to get his help?
Characters/pairing: Zero, Raw, Cain, Jeb, Ambrose, DG, and Azkadellia (background Cain/DG); Ray Kowalski, Ray Vecchio, minor roles for Elaine, Welsh, and Benton Fraser.
Warnings: Beatings mentioned.

Recced because: I hadn't read this story until I joined the tinman_remix community and was assigned this author to remix. My favorite element in this story: the snappy dialogue! She's got a deft touch with the bickering at the station, and the crossover interactions are realistic, too.

A to Z

Extra bonus: here's a link to the remix! Half-Full Disclosure

verse: due south, author: diabolicalfiend

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