www.wtxx.com/news/nationworld/sns-ap-us-burris-ethics-investigation,0,3009526.story "a normal fundraising call", he says. *snort* Whutajackass.
-I've watched two full episodes of The Ed Show now. I have no desire to watch it anymore, at all. This guy is the liberal equivalent of Bill O' Reilly, and no less obnoxious for it.
www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/18/obama-netanyahu-meeting-o_n_204759.html Obama comes right out and says what should've been said ages ago. Hopefully it will actually be backed up...
-Hamas spokesman on the BBC World Service says they want "all of Jerusalem" as a capital for any future Palestinian state in regards to peace talks. He also asked for the Moon, a winning lottery ticket, and the answer to the meaning of life ([i]NOT[/i] 42.)
www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/us_world/Mancow-Takes-on-Waterboarding-and-Loses.htmlIn what may possibly be the finest bit of schadenfreude EVER, Chicago-based conservative radio host Eric 'Mancow' Muller now believes waterboarding is torture. He even told Sean "I'll be waterboarded for charity LOL J/K" Hannity so.
That is all.