News? Yes.

May 28, 2009 05:33,0,3009526.story "a normal fundraising call", he says.  *snort*  Whutajackass.

-I've watched two full episodes of The Ed Show now.  I have no desire to watch it anymore, at all.  This guy is the liberal equivalent of Bill O' Reilly, and no less obnoxious for it.  Obama comes right out and says what should've been said ages ago.  Hopefully it will actually be backed up...

-Hamas spokesman on the BBC World Service says they want "all of Jerusalem" as a capital for any future Palestinian state in regards to peace talks.  He also asked for the Moon, a winning lottery ticket, and the answer to the meaning of life ([i]NOT[/i] 42.)
In what may possibly be the finest bit of schadenfreude EVER, Chicago-based conservative radio host Eric 'Mancow' Muller now believes waterboarding is torture. He even told Sean "I'll be waterboarded for charity LOL J/K" Hannity so.

That is all.

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