Yet another reason the mainstream media SUCKS.

Mar 21, 2008 05:02

I realize getting into Tibet, thanks to the Chinese lockdown, is next to impossible.  But guys?  Coming close to parroting the Chinese line on what's happening is inexcusable.   The Dalai Lama's pacifist stance on the matter aside, I've never gotten the impression that the Tibetan people had any interest in remaining part of China, and yet, what do we hear, over and over on the news?

"I don't believe in independence" - Dalai Lama (yes, I understand the reasons for his position, even if it's difficult to agree at times.  But his stance seems to be being repeated ad nauseum, and rather than do even the barest explanation as to why he has that stance, we are instead given the impression of "Well, he's their de facto leader, and if he doesn't want independence...")

"We wish to remain part of China" -random Tibetan citizen (no mention of whether the person is originally Chinese or Tibetan, and as likely as not said with a metaphorical / not-so-metaphorical gun to the head)

So, grr.
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