May 02, 2007 05:15
It's about that time again... time for another entry bitching about the increasingly unsurprising douchebaggery of my dad's side of the family.
Douchebaggery... I like that word.
Some of you may see this as a grab for sympathy, and yeah, it may be somewhat, but at this point I just want to get it off my chest.
You might remember me going off about the split I had with my religious relatives after I came out to them. Same people here. Well, this last Saturday, my grandmother died. We weren't the closest, but she was still family, and nearly the only one out of a group of bastards who really seemed to give a shit about me even after I came out.
I didn't find out about this from my aunt. None of my uncles called me. No, I found out from my MOM, who had no real connection to that side of the family beyond my dad. THE NEXT FUCKING DAY. And no, they hadn't called her. She read the obituary in the paper. They didn't call to tell me she had died, when the visitation was, or when the funeral was going to take place. The closest I got to any sort of notification was my aunt calling me the previous week to let me know that she was close to going. She did not call again.
Oh, and as the extra little knife in the gut, they made sure the obituary referred to me by my old name and as her grandson.
Fuck them, fuck them, FUCK THEM. That entire side of the family can take a flying leap as far as I'm concerned now.
I didn't go to the funeral, by the way. I didn't feel like giving them the satisfaction. I'll go see her on my own time.