Sep 10, 2009 23:06
It's a week until we set up for FenCon.
I have two mission critical projects and one optional but highly desired one in the works.
I'm building a set of giant button / buzzer things for a game show panel and I'm building a set of speaker stands for the video room. Those are well in hand and probably will be wrapped up tomorrow. I've been using geometric construction to lay out parts for the stands and the buzzer things. I thought that was a neat section of geometry back in the 9th grade and I still do. I still have the drafter's compass set that I used then too. Makes that all work so much better than using the crappy compasses we got as part of our school supplies back then.
Also in work is a sturdy plywood case for my lighting setup. The hardware is due to arrive sometime tomorrow. I have corner molding, handles, latches, and trim on the way. Hopefully that will be enough to make the case look nice even though I don't have a good saw to work with right now. Of course, a "simple" case was not enough. I'm designing so that it'll be tough enough for me to stand on for taking photos at the big Saturday night event. And building in features that will help set the lights up in the time before we have access to the room. Hopefully that will be finished over the weekend. I've tried to design for minimal cuts of material and easy assembly. I'm probably creating a monster. Or the shipping case for one anyway.
It'd be nice to have a 1 day coast before the con starts. We shall see.
Icon snagged from ( and credited to ) Maggie Bonham's LJ.