Forrest Tones...

May 14, 2005 16:57

Ahhhh, feelin good these days. I love summer. You know why? Because summer means warm, and warm means, get the EFF outside. Its been so nice living at home. No more deep fried things, all healthy food, and now, a running routine that gets me sweatin like a husky on a super hot day. My new nick name here in fonthill is now Forrest... lol, Forrest Tones. I don't mind at all.

So I have some more good news! SOCCER IS A GO!! :) Which means, not only am I going to be running, but now I can play soccer too! 6-PACK HERE I COME BABY! ;) Ags, I think a dinner will be in line after this summer! MUHUAHAHAHAHA, You are sooo going down now! You have no chance! Unless you take this warning into consideration and get goin on your end! Altho, I think you're perfect right now, so really no need. Plus I wouldn't mind you taking me out for dinner! ;) AND, it'll be the 2nd bet I've ever won with you! :) WOO HOO! So yeah, stoked about that.

Jeff and I are on a role with Intervolt. We've finally put the ball out there, just looking for clients now. He printed out business cards, and I set up an invoice page for all of our records. And I'm going to be calling Mike again today to find out what the deal is for next week so we can start putting in some more action towards building a solid foundation.

Still looking for a job tho... nothing is comin up. Well, I'm not really doin all I can to look for one either... thats the thing with me, I expect things to just fall into place. Looks like I gotta go get the pieces and start puttin it together... if only puzzles put themselves together.. wait, Anna would have nothin to do then eh? ;)

Things are good, and I'm happy, are you?
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