Aug 18, 2004 17:04
band camp os more than half way over. yaayy!! but we r not that great. the way they teach us the drills now is extremely confusing to EVERY1 and the stuff they hav us do jus takes up 2 much time! i duno y i even tried out to b a section leader.
anywho..on 2 the drama b/c theres always drama. me mil + linds all stayd 2gether last nite so mil dropped us off to band camp 2day which by the way we were late 2 bc we went 2 sleep at like 3-3:30 + overslept. so every1s parents ((wit the exception of mine)) got into this HUGE misunderstanding + now every1 is in trouble. isnt that hollerific?
well ill rant laid-her...<33