Value Survey

Jan 17, 2007 17:45

OOC: Seen on
tm_magneto  's journal and it looked interesting. :)

What's the worst thing someone could do?
Betray the people they love

What's the worst thing someone could do to you?
Stabbing me in the stomach when they knew it would kill me.

What's the worst thing that could happen to you?
Erik learn I’m not worth it Someone I love discarding me carelessly

What's the worst thing someone could say about a person?
“You aren’t worth it.”

What's the best thing someone could say about a person?
Not sure…I’ll get back to you

Are men and women basically different?
Men are asses.

Which is better, to be a woman or to be a man?
Woman. Definitely.

What can men do that women can't do?
Make complete asses of themselves by creating complicated plans that will only lead to getting others KILLED!

What can women do that men can't do?
Not do the asinine thing above that I said men can do.

Is it possible to change genders?
Momma does it all the time.

How old is old enough to have sex?
I don’t know…

Is it wrong to have sex if you're unmarried?

Is it wrong to have sex with someone other than your spouse if you're married?

Is it wrong to have sex with a person of the same gender?

Is it wrong to have sex with a person of a different race (or a different intelligent non-human species)?

Is it wrong to have more than one sexual partner at the same time?
Its not ‘wrong’ but I wouldn’t do it

Is it wrong to have sex with someone you don't love?
No but I wouldn’t.

What are the responsibilities of a mother toward a child?
To love them unconditionally, oh and let’s say NOT STAB THEM!

What are the responsibilities of a father toward a child?
See above

What are the responsibilities of a child toward a parent?
To love them unconditionally, even when all you want to do is throttle them

Which should be more important to you, your parent or your child?

Which should be more important to you, your parent or your spouse?

Which should be more important to you, your child or your spouse?

Is it wrong to have a child if you're unmarried?

Is abortion wrong?

Is contraception wrong?

Is there one true religion?
I was raised by an atheist and I guess you could call Irene a Wiccan. I grew up around a lot of Southern Baptists and Kurt has tried to show me his religion. Honestly, I’m not all that sure what I believe. I think Momma is wrong and that there is more to this life than well, nothing. I don’t think when we die we just become part of the Earth and then we’re gone. I think there is more. Just not 100% sure what exactly.

Does a deity or deities exist?

How important is it to believe in a deity or deities?
Not so much important but if it makes you feel…safe, then what’s the harm?

How important is it to actively practice your religion?
Kurt would say very. I think each to his own, go at your own pace

Does magic exist?
Yeah. Irene taught me that.

Is practicing magic wrong?

Is killing always wrong?
Yes. But it can be necessary.

Is war always wrong?


How old is old enough to fight in a war?
I’d rather no one ever fought in a war

Is rape always wrong?

Is torture always wrong?
No but god help you if Momma’s the one doing it

Is theft always wrong?
No. If its like for the reasons Jean Valjean does it in Les Mis

Is slavery wrong?

Is lying wrong?
Yes but it can be necessary

Is swearing wrong?
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